'Have to' adalah salah satu 'Modal verb'.
Contoh struktur penggunaan 'have to' :
1. Dalam bentuk 'aktif' : (Objek) + 'have to' + ('verb').
2. Dalam bentuk 'pasif' : (Objek) + 'have to' + 'be' + ('past participle').
3. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + ('verb').
4. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + ('verb').
5. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('past participle').
6. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + 'be' + ('past participle').
7. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('non-verb').
8. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + 'be' + ('non-verb').
9. Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('gerund').
10.Dalam bentuk 'negatif' : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + 'be' + ('gerund').
1. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'aktif') : (Objek) + 'have to' + ('verb')
Disini, frasa 'have to' digunakan (bagi objek 'plural').
'Have to' bererti 'terpaksa'.
'Have to' digunakan bagi :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Wash | Basuh | Sairah and her friend have to wash the dishes every day | Sairah dan kawan-kawannya terpaksa membasuh pinggan mangkuk setiap hari |
Leave | Pergi | They have to leave early | Mereka terpaksa pergi awal |
Arrive | Tiba | I have to arrive at work before nine | Saya terpaksa tiba di tempat kerja sebelum pukul sembilan |
Give | Beri | We have to give him an answer today | Kita terpaksa beri dia satu jawapan hari ini |
Pass | Lulus | You have to pass the exam | Awak terpakss lulus peperiksaan itu |
Catitan :
- 'Verb' hendaklah dieja dalam bentuk 'infinitive'.
2. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'pasif') : (Objek) + 'have to' + 'be' + ('past participle')
Kombinasi 'have to' dan 'be + ('past participle')' bererti 'terpaksa di(pasif)'.
'Have to be' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Wash | Basuh | The dishes have to be washed by them every day | Pinggan mangkuk terpaksa dibasuh setiap hari oleh mereka |
Register | Daftar | The vehicles have to be registered with the relevant authorithy | Kenderaan-kenderaan itu terpaksa didaftarkan dengan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan |
See | Lihat | Have to be seen to be believed | Terpaksa dilihat untuk dipercayai |
Abandon | Tinggalkan | Classes have to be abandoned | Kelas-kelas terpaksa ditinggalkan |
Wind up | Bubar | The enterprise have to be wound up in two years | Perniagaan itu terpakss dibubarkan dalam masa dua tahun |
Catitan :
- Kombinasi 'be + ('past participle')' membawa bentuk 'pasif'. Ia bererti 'di(pasif)'
3. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + ('verb')
'Does not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Does not have to' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'He, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Clean | Cuci | She does not have to clean her bedroom every day | Dia tidak mesti mencuci bilik tidurnya setiap hari |
Turn over | Serah | Facebook does not have to turn over user information to the authorithy | Facebook tidak mesti menyerahkan maklumat pengguna kepada pihak berwajib |
Release | Keluarkan | The college does not have to release the names of the student to public | Pihak kolej tidak mesti mengeluarkan nama-nama pelajar kepada awam |
Like | Suka | Everybody does not have to like you | Setiap orang tidak semestinya sukakan awak |
Pay | Bayar | He does not have to pay the fee | Dia tidak mesti membayar yuran itu |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to'.
- 'Verb' hendaklah dieja dalam bentuk 'infinitive'.
4. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + ('verb')
'Do not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Do not have to' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Clean | Cuci | The children do not have to clean their bedrooms every day | Kanak-kanak itu tidak mesti mencuci bilik tidur mereka setiap hari |
Drink | Minum | You do not have to drink 8 glasses of water a day | Awak tidak mesti minum 8 gelas air setiap hari |
Finish | Habis | Nice guys do not have to finish last | Orang yang baik tidak semestinya corot |
Make up | Mengada-adakan | You do not have to make up excuses | Awak tidak semestinya mengada-adakan alasan |
Cost | Kos | Those gifts do not have to cost money | Hadiah itu tidak mesti makan duit |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to'.
- 'Verb' hendaklah dieja dalam bentuk 'infinitive'.
5. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('past participle')
'Does not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Does not have to' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'He, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Clean | Bersih | Her bedroom does not have to be cleaned every day | Bilik tidurnya tidak semestinya dibersihkan setiap hari |
Implement | Laksana | The plan does not have to be implemented immediately | Rancangan itu tidak semestinya dilaksanakan dengan segera |
Consume | Makan. Telan | The folic acid tablet does not have to be consumed daily | Butiran folik asid tidak semestinya ditelan setiap hari |
Audit | Audit | The company does not have to be audited by the auditors | Syarikat itu tidak semestinya diaudit oleh juruaudit |
Include | Masuk | The statement does not have to be included in the report | Penyata itu tidak mesti dimasukkan dalam laporan |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to be' dalam bentuk 'pasif'. Semuanya 'does not have to be'.
- Kombinasi 'be' + ('past participle') menandakan bentuk pasif. Ia bermakna 'di(pasif)'.
6. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'Do not have to' + 'be' + ('past participle')
'Do not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Do not have to' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Clean | Bersih | Their bedrooms do not have to be cleaned every day | Bilik-bilik tidur mereka tidak semestinya dicuci setiap hari |
Return | Pulang | Your organs do not have to be returned to your family | Organ-organ anda tidak mesti dipulangkan kepada keluarga anda |
Remove | Asingkan | Those things do no have to be removed first | Barang-barang itu tidak mesti diasingkan terlebih dahulu |
Report | Lapor | The matters do not have to be reported | Hal-hal itu tidak semestinya dilapurkan |
Register | Daftar | Golfers do not have to be registered in order to play | Para pemain golf tidak mesti didaftarkan untuk dibenarkan bermain |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to be'.
- Kombinasi 'be' + ('past participle') menandakan bentuk pasif. Ia bermakna 'di(pasif)'.
7. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('non-verb')
'Does not have to be' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Does not have to be' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'He, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
In focus | Di tumpuan | It does not have to be in focus | Ia tidak semestinya berada dalam tumpuan |
Painful | Menyakitkan | Exercise does not have to be painful | Latihan tidak semestinya menyakitkan |
The worst | Yang paling teruk | Working from home does not have to be the worst | Berkerja dari rumah tidak semestinya yang paling teruk |
Expensive | Mahal | Quality does not have to be expensive | Kualiti tidak semestinya mahal |
Black | Gelap | 'Black Panther' director does not have to be black | Pengarah 'black panther' tidak semestinya berkulit gelap |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to be' dalam bentuk 'negatif'. Semuanya 'does not have to be'.
- Kombinasi 'does not' menandakan bentuk 'negatif'.
8. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + 'be' + ('non-verb')
'Do not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti'.
'Do not have to be' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Behind | Di belakang | You do not have to be behind bars to be in prison | Anda tidak semestinya berada di belakang palang untuk seperti berada dalam penjara |
Mutually exclusive | Saling bertentangan | Fun and hard work do not have to be mutually exclusive | Seronok dan kerja keras tidak semestinya saling bertentangan |
Big | Besar | You do not have to be big to think big | Anda tidak semestinya bersaiz besar untuk berfikiran besar |
A barber | Seorang penggunting rambut | You do not have to be a barber to use scissors | Anda tidak semestinya seorang penggunting rambut untuk menggunakan gunting |
Rich | Kaya | You do not have to be rich to be able to speak multiple languages | Anda tidak semestinya kaya untuk boleh bercakap pelbagai bahasa |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to be'.
- Perkataan 'do not' menandakan bentuk negatif.
9. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'does not have to' + 'be' + ('gerund')
'Does not have to be' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Does not have to be' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'He, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Discourage | Tidak memberi semangat | Uncompleted work does not have to be discouraging | Kerja yang tidak siap tidak semestinya tidak memberi semangat |
Frighten | Menakutkan | Public speaking does not have to be frightening | Bercakap didepan orang awam tidak semestinya menakutkan |
Intimidate | Mencabar | Geometry does not have to be intimidating | Geomatri tidak semestinya mencabar |
Tax | Penat | The exam does not have to be taxing | Peperiksaan tidak semestinya memenatkan |
Wonderful | Indah | Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful | Hidup tidak semestinya lengkap untuk menjadi indah |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'does not has to be'. Semuanya 'does not have to be' jika 'gerund' digunakan.
10. Struktur penggunaan (dalam bentuk 'negatif') : (Objek) + 'do not have to' + 'be' + ('gerund')
'Do not have to' bererti 'tidak mesti' atau 'tidak semestinya'.
'Do not have to' digunakan oleh :
1. Objek : 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.
2. Masa : 'Present tense'.
English - Infinitive | Melayu - Kata dasar | English | Melayu |
Fill | Isi | Taxpayers do not have to be filling those particulars again | Para pembayar cukai tidak mesti mengisi maklumat itu lagi |
Teach | Ajar | Teachers do not have to be teaching on weekends | Para guru tidak perlu mengajar pada hujung minggu |
Listen | Dengar | They do not have to be acting on the accusations | Mereka tidak harus bertindak diatas tuduhan-tuduhan itu |
Plant | Tanam | Farmers do not have to be planting those crops | Para petani tidak mesti menanam tanaman itu |
Shout | Jerit | You do not have to be shouting | Awak tidak semestinya menjerit |
Catitan :
- Tiada 'do not has to be'.
Ringkasan :
Bentuk | Masa | Objek | Struktur | Contoh |
Aktif | Present tense | I, you, plural | (Objek) + have to + (verb) | They have to leave early |
Aktif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + has to + (verb) | She has to walk |
Pasif | Present tense | I, you, plural | (Objek) + have to + be + (past participle) | They have to be advised |
Pasif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + has to + be + (past participle) | She has to be advised |
Negatif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + does not have to + (verb) | She does not have to clean |
Negatif | Present tense | I, you, plural | (Objek) + do not have to + (verb) | We do not have to clean |
Negatif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + does not have to + be + (past participle) | It does not have to be washed |
Negatif | Present tense | I, you, Plural | (Objek) + do not have to + be + (past participle) | They do not have to be instructed |
Negatif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + does not have to + be + (non-verb) | It does not have to be in focus |
Negatif | Present tense | I, you, Plural | (Objek) + do not have to + be + (non-verb) | You do not have to be behind bars to be in prison |
Negatif | Present tense | Singular | (Objek) + does not have to + be + (gerund) | Uncompleted work does not have to be discouraging |
Negatif | Present tense | I, You, Plural | (Objek) + do not have to + be + (gerund) | Taxpayers do not have to be filling those particulars again |
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