Monday, December 31, 2012

16. Mengenali 'Non-action Verb'

Mengenali 'non-action verb'

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, perkataan yang bukan 'action verb' (bukan perbuatan beraksi) dipanggil 'non-action verb' (perbuatan bukan aksi) atau 'non-physical verb' (perbuatan bukan fizikal) atau 'stative verb' (perbuatan tiada gerak).

Perbuatan 'non-action verb' ialah hal yang berkaitan dengan 'situation'(keadaan), 'status' (status), 'attributes' (ciri-ciri), 'event' (peristiwa/kejadian), 'feelings' / 'emotions' (perasaan/emosi), 'mental' (fikiran), 'sense' (deria), 'existence' (keujudan) dan sebagainya yang bukan 'action verb' (perbuatan beraksi fizikal).

Perkataan 'non-action verb' tidak boleh dinyatakan dalam bentuk 'continuous' (berterusan). Oleh itu ia tidak ada dalam 'tense' berikut : 'present continuous tense', 'present perfect continuous tense', 'past continuous tense', 'past perfect continuous tense', 'future continuous tense' dan 'future perfect continuous tense'. Ini sahaja perbezaan dengan 'action verb'.

Contoh-contoh 'non-action verb' :

Melayu (perkataan dasar)English (infinitive -
non-action verb)
Perbuatan oleh ...
RasaFeel. TasteHati. Lidah
Pegang (punyai)PossessManusia
Tak sukaDislikeHati
Ambil kisahMindHati
Lebih gemarPreferHati
PunyaiHas. Have. Had
Ialah. Adalah. MerupakanBe (is, are, was, were)
HargaPrice. Cost
MengandungiConsist of. Contain
Tak setujuDisagree
LayakDeserve. Qualified
Ada. MempunyaiHas. Have. Had

Ciri-ciri penggunaan 'non-action verb' dalam ayat :

1. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam memberi arahan/ tegahan tanpa mengubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
TasteTasteRasaTaste it firstRasalah dulu
LoveLoveSayangiLove your little sisterSayangi adik kecil awak
MindMindAmbil kisahPlease be mindfulTolong ambil peduli
ExistExistUjudShow that you existTunjukkan yang awak ujud
HateHateBenciDon't hate meJangan benci saya

2. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam 'simple present tense' (perbuatan lazim/biasa masa sekarang) oleh objek 'I, you, plural' tanpa mengubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(Non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
WantWantMahuI want that oneSaya mahu yang itu
LikeLikeSukaWe like itKami sukakannya
SeemSeemKelihatanThey seem happyMereka kelihatan gembira
AppearAppearNampaknyaYou appear beautifulAwak nampak cantik
SmellSmellBerbauThe shoes smell badKasut-kasut itu berbau busuk
SleepSleepTidurI want to sleepSaya mahu tidur
GuessGuessAgakI guessSaya agak
ThinkThinkFikirI thinkSaya fikir
FeelFeelRasaI feelSaya rasa
HopeHopeHarapWe hope to winKami berharap untuk menang
ShineShineSinarThe lights shineLampu-lampu bersinar

3. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam 'present tense' (perbuatan lazim/biasa masa sekarang) oleh objek 'singular' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH (biasanya ditambah huruf ' s '). (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
WantWantsMahuHe wants that oneDia mahu yang itu
LikeLikesSukaShe likes itDia sukakannya
SeemSeemsKelihatanAli seems happyAli kelihatan gembira
AppearAppearsNampaknyaSiti appears beautifulSiti nampak cantik
SmellSmellsBerbauThe shoe smells badKasut-kasut itu berbau busuk
GuessGuessesAgakHe guessesDia agak
ThinkThinksFikirShe thinksDia fikir
FeelFeelsRasaHe feelsDia rasa
HopeHopesHarapHe hopes to winDia berharap untuk menang
ShineShinesBersinarThe moon shinesBulan bersinar

4. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam 'future tense' (perbuatan yang akan datang) TANPA berubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') samada akan dilakukan oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
LoveLoveSayangI will love youSaya akan menyayangi awak
LikeLikeSukaHe will like your effortDia akan suka usaha awak
ThinkThinkFikirI will think about itSaya akan fikirkan tentangnya
AttemptAttemptCubaI will attempt laterSaya akan cuba nanti
GuessGuessAgakI will try to guessSaya akan cuba untuk mengagak

5. 'Non-action verb' digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan dan hal yang ditanya itu berupa perbuatan 'present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman sekarang) samada oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' TANPA mengubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(Non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
KnowKnowTahuDo you know ?Adakah awak tahu ?
LoveLoveSayangDoes she love him ?Adakah dia sayang dia ?
ForgetForgetLupaDoes he forget ?Adakah dia lupa ?
PreferPreferLebih sukaDo you prefer A ?Adakah awak lebih suka A ?
OweOweBerhutangDo you owe him ?Adakah awak berhutang dengan dia ?

6. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan dan hal yang ditanya itu berupa perbuatan 'past tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman pada masa lepas) samada oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' TANPA mengubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
KnowKnowTahuDid you know ?Adakah awak tahu ?
LoveLoveSayangDid she love you ?Adakah dia sayang awak ?
ForgetForgetLupaDid he forget ?Adakah dia lupa ?
ContainContainMengandungiDid it contain item X ?Adakah ia mengandungi item X ?
FearFearTakutDid they fear Mr. Y ?Adakah mereka takut en y ?

7. 'Non-action verb' boleh digunakan dalam menyatakan ayat negatif dan hal negatif itu berupa perbuatan 'present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman sekarang) samada oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' TANPA mengubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
WantWantMahuI don't wantSaya tidak mahu
FeelFeelRasaShe doesn't feel itDia tidak merasainya
BelongBelongKepunyaanThese shoes don't belong to himKasut-kasut ini bukan kepunyaannya
EnvyEnvyCemburuWe don't envy themKami tidak mencemburui mereka
ImagineImagineBayangkanI don't imagine such thingSaya tidak membayangkan hal seperti itu

8. 'Non-action verb' boleh menjadi 'present perfect tense' tapi berubah ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

'Present perfect tense' dimaksudkan sebagai satu tempoh masa bagi hal yang berlaku yang bermula dari satu masa lepas berlanjutan hingga sekarang atau baru saja berakhir.

Bila satu 'non-action verb' berlaku dalam tempoh 'present perfect tense', ejaannya bertukar menjadi bentuk 'past participle' dan hendaklah digunakan dalam salah satu struktur berikut :

(Objek) + has + (past participle).
(Objek) + have + (past participle).

Struktur (objek) + 'has' + ('past participle') digunakan jika (objek) adalah 'he, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.

Struktur (objek) + 'have' + ('past participle') digunakan jika (objek) adalah 'I, you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.

(non-action verb)
(perkataan dasar)
WantWantMahuI have wanted a smart phoneSaya mahukan sebuah telefon pintar
BelieveBelievePercayaShe has believed in himDia mempunyai kepercayaan padanya
OwnOwnMempunyaiWe have owned this cat for two yearsKami memiliki kucing ini selama dua tahun
HateHateBenciShe has hated Abu since she first met himDia benci Abu semenjak dia jumpa pertama kali

9. 'Non-action verb' boleh menjadi 'past tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

'Past tense' adalah satu sistem masa dalam bahasa Inggeris dimana ejaan bagi 'action-verb' dan 'non-action verb' berubah sedikit dari perkataan dasar ('infinitive') jika hal 'action verb' atau 'non-action verb' itu berlaku pada masa lepas (bukan sekarang). Berikut adalah perkataan 'past tense' bagi beberapa perkataan 'non-action verb'.

(kata dasar)
(non-action verb)
(Past tense)
(masa lalu)
RasaFeelFeel. TasteTastedTelah merasa
MahuWantWantWantedTelah mahu
PerluNeedNeedNeededTelah perlu
KandungContainContainContainedTelah mengandungi
HutangOweOweOwedTelah berhutang
Beri pinjamLendLendLendedTelah memberi pinjam
UjudExistExistExistedTelah ujud
PeganganPossessPossessPossessedTelah memegang
PunyaOwnOwnOwnedTelah mempunyai
MilikBelongBelongBelongedTelah memiliki
SukaLikeLikeLikedTelah menyukai
SayangLoveLoveLovedTelah menyayangi
BenciHateHateHatedTelah benci
Tak sukaDislikeDislikeDislikedTak suka (dahulu)
TakutFearFearFearedTakut (dahulu)
Ambil peduliMindMindMindedAmbil peduli (dahulu)
BerlakuOccurOccurOccuredTelah berlaku
BersinarShineShineShoneTelah bersinar
PertimbangConsiderConsiderConsideredTelah menimbangkan
PercayaBelieveBelieveBelievedPercaya (dahulu)
PercayaTrustTrustTrustedPercaya (dahulu)
Lebih gemarPreferPreferPreferred(Lebih gemar (dahulu)
BerbunyiSoundSoundSoundedTelah berbunyi
KelihatanLookLookLookedTelah kelihatan
TahuKnowKnowKnewTelah tahu
PerluNeedNeedNeededPerlu (dahulu)
IngatRememberRememberRememberedTelah ingat
BayangkanImagineImagineImaginedTelah membayangkan
LupaForgetForgetForgotTelah lupa
TakutFearFearFearedTakut (dahulu)
CemburuEnvyEnvyEnviedCemburu (dahulu)
DengarHearHearHeardTelah mendengar
HarapHopeHopeHopedTelah berharap
RaguiDoubtDoubtDoubtedTelah meragui
SedariRealizeRealizeRealisedTelah menyedari
FahamUnderstandUnderstandUnderstoodTelah faham
KenalRecogniseRecogniseRecognisedTelah mengenali
HargaiAppreciateAppreciateAppreciatedMenghargai (dahulu)
PunyaiHas. HaveHas. HaveHadMempunyai (dahulu)
Ialah. Adalah. MerupakanBeAm. Is. Are. BeWas. WereIalah. Adalah. Merupakan. (Dahulu)
MenilaiValueValueValuedMenilai (dahulu)
TimbangWeighWeighWeighedTelah menimbang
TermasukIncludeIncludeIncludedTelah memasukkan
MengandungiConsist ofConsist ofConsisted ofMengandungi (dahulu)
Tak setujuDisagreeDisagreeDisagreedTelah tidak setuju
SetujuAgreeAgreeAgreedTelah setuju
TerlibatInvolveInvolveInvolvedTelah terlibat

10. 'Non-action verb' boleh menjadi bentuk 'past perfect tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

'Past perfect tense' dimaksudkan sebagai satu tempoh bagi hal yang berlaku bermula dari satu masa lepas hingga ke masa lepas juga.

Bila satu 'non-action verb' berlaku dalam tempoh masa 'past perfect tense', ejaannya bertukar menjadi bentuk 'past participle' dan hendaklah digunakan dalam struktur berikut :

(Objek) + had + (past participle).

(Objek) boleh jadi 'I, you, singular, plural'.

(non-action verb)
(past participle)
FeelFeelI had felt the tremor last nightSaya ada terasa gegaran malam tadi
WantWantI had wanted a car at that timeSaya ada mahukan sebuah kereta pada masa itu
PerluNeedI had needed a knife before thisSaya ada perlukan sebilah pisau sebelum ini
KosCostThis had costed 10 sen in 2000Ini berharga 10 sen pada tahun 2000
PrihatinCareShe had cared for the fish when I was awayDia ada mengambil berat ikan itu bila saya tiada di rumah
KandungContainThe box had contained toolsKotak itu mengandungi perkakas

11. 'Non-action verb' boleh menjadi bentuk 'future perfect tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasarnya (infinitive) BERUBAH (Sama seperti 'action-verb').

'Future perfect tense' dimaksudkan sebagai satu tempoh masa bagi hal yang dijangka berlaku bermula dari satu masa nanti hingga ke masa akan datang juga.

Bila satu 'non-action verb' berlaku dalam 'future perfect tense', ejaannya bertukar menjadi bentuk 'past participle' dan hendaklah digunakan dalam struktur berikut :

(Objek) + will have + (past participle).

(Objek) boleh jadi 'I, you, singular, plural'.

'Will have' boleh diganti dengan samada :

'Am going to have' untuk menjadi (objek) + 'am going to have' + ('past participle'), digunakan bagi (objek) 'I' sahaja.
'Is going to have' untuk menjadi (objek) + 'is going to have' + ('past participle'), digunakan bagi (objek) 'he, she, it, this, that' dan lain-lain 'singular'.
'Are going to have' untuk menjadi (objek) + 'are going to have' + ('past participle'), digunakan bagi (objek) 'you, we, they, these, those' dan lain-lain 'plural'.

(non-action verb)
(past participle)
EnvyCemburuShe will have envied...Dia akan rasa cemburu ...
DoubtRaguHe will have doubted...Dia akan meragui...
UnderstandFahamThey will have understood...Mereka akan memahami...
InvolveTerlibatWe will have involved...Kita akan terlibat...
AppreciateHargaiAli is going to have appreciated...Ali akan menghargai...


1. Perkataan jenis 'non-action verb' secara amnya tidak boleh menjadi 'continuous tense' ('present continuous tense', 'present perfect continuous tense', 'past continuous tense', 'past perfect continuous tense', 'future continuous tense', 'future perfect continuous tense') tapi terdapat beberapa kekecualian.

Kekecualiannya ialah sesetengah perbuatan 'non-action verb' boleh menjadi jenis 'continuous tense' (dan ejaan perkataan dasar berubah) tetapi ada juga yang tidak boleh menjadi 'continuous tense' (ejaan perkataan dasar tidak berubah). Tidak ada garis panduan khusus untuk menentukan boleh dan tidak boleh. Ini bergantung kepada amalan biasa dalam masyarakat berbahasa Inggeris. Oleh itu harus biasakan diri membaca bacaan-bacaan dalam bahasa Inggeris.

(non-action verb)
present continuous ?
WantWantMahuI am wanting coffee(Salah)
BelieveBelievePercayaI am not believing you(Salah)
BelongBelongKepunyaanThis pen is belonging to you(Salah)
SeemSeemNampaknyaIt was seeming wrong(Salah)
HearHearDengarShe is not hearing anything(Salah)
SeeSeeNampakI see the carSaya nampak kereta itu
SeeSeeLihatI am seeing someone there(Salah)
ThinkThinkFikirI think it is niceSaya fikir ia cantik
ThinkThinkFikirI am thinking about itSaya sedang berfikir tentang hal itu
FeelFeelRasaShe feels sickDia rasa dia sakit
FeelFeelRasaShe is feeling sickDia rasa dia sedang sakit
HaveHaveAdaI am having a bicycleSaya ada sebuah basikal
LookLookLihatYou look beautifulAwak nampak cantik
LookLookLihatYou are looking beautiful(Salah)
SmellSmellMenghiduThe cat smells the food before eating itKucing itu menghidu makanan sebelum memakannya
SmellSmellMenghiduThe cat is smelling the food before eating it(Salah)
TasteTasteRasaThis curry tastes wonderfulKari ini rasa sedap
TasteTasteRasaThis curry tasting wonderful(Salah)
AppearAppearNampaknyaShe appears illDia nampak sakit
AppearAppearNampaknyaShe is appearing ill(Salah)
IsIsAdalahHe is being nice to meDia berlaku baik kepada saya
IsIsAdalahHe is nicing to me(Salah)
NeedNeedPerluI need a scissorsSaya perlukan gunting
NeedNeedPerluI am needing a scissors(Salah)

Contoh-contoh kekecualian :

(non-action verb)
present continuous ?
ThinkThinkFikirI am thinkingSaya sedang berfikir
HaveHaveAdaI am having troubleSaya sedang menghadapi masalah
BeBeBersikapHe is being nicedia sedang bersikap baik
AppearAppearNampakHe is appearing on stageDia sedang muncul diatas pentas
TasteTasteMerasaiThe cook is tasting the curryTukang masak itu sedang merasai kari
SeeSeeJumpaI am seeing a doctorSaya akan berjumpa seorang doktor
SmellSmellHiduHe is smelling the cakeDia sedang menghidu kek itu
LookLookCariI am looking for my keySaya sedang mencari kunci saya
FeelFeelRasaHe is feeling the cat's furDia sedang merasa bulu kucing itu

2. 'Non-action verb' secara amnya tidak boleh menjadi bentuk 'continuous tense' (samada 'present continuous tense', 'present perfect continuous tense', 'past continuous tense', 'past perfect continuous tense', 'future continuous tense', 'future perfect continuous tense', dsb). Tiada garis panduan, hanya amalan orang Inggeris.

(non-action verb)
(kata dasar)
(continuous tense)
FeelRasaI was feeling bad(Salah)
FeelRasaI felt badSaya merasa teruk.(Betul)
WantMahuI was wanting a car(Salah)
WantMahuI wanted a carSaya mahu sebuah kereta (Betul)
NeedPerluI was needing a knife(Salah)
NeedPerluI needed a knifeSaya perlukan sebuah pisau (Betul)
CostBerhargaThis is costing 10 sen(Salah)
CostBerhargaThis cost 10 senIni berharga 10 sen (Betul)
CarePrihatinShe was caring for the fish(Salah)
CarePrihatinShe cared for the fishDia prihatin terhadap ikan-ikan (Betul)
ContainKandungThe box was containing tools(Salah)
ContainKandungThe box contained toolsKotak itu mengandungi alat-alat (Betul)
OweBerhutangShe was owing the bank(Salah)
OweBerhutangShe owed the bankDia berhutang dengan bank (Betul)
LendBeri pinjamAli was lending Abu(Salah)
LendBeri pinjamAli lend AbuAli telah memberi pinjam kepada Abu (Betul)
LikeSukaShe was liking Ahmad(Salah)
LikeSukaShe liked AhmadDia suka Ahmad (Betul)
LoveSayangSiti is loving Johan(Salah)
LoveSayangSiti loves JohanSiti sayang Johan (Betul)

Catitan :

- Oleh kerana 'non-action verb' biasanya tidak dinyatakan dalam 'continuous tense', biasanya ia dinyatakan dalam 'simple tense' ('present tense', 'past tense', 'future tense').

Contoh-contoh kekecualian dalam ayat :

(non-action verb)
(kata dasar)
(past continuous tense)
ThinkFikirI was thinking about what to do whe she made decisionSaya sedang berfikir apa nak buat bila dia telah buat keputusan
WantMahuShe was wanting the opportunityDia mahukan peluang
ListenMendengarWe were listening to the talk when the door collapsedKami sedang mendengar ucapan apabila pintu itu roboh
NeedPerluThey were needing the tools at that timeMereka sedang memerlukan peralatan pada masa itu

Catitan :

- Nampaknya, bagi 'non-action verb', samada satu-satu perkataan itu boleh atau tidak boleh digunakan dalam bentuk 'continuous tense' bergantung kepada konteks penggunaannya atau kesesuaiannya.

17. Mengenali 'Non-Action verb' berasaskan 'bentuk'

Mengenali 'non-action verb' berasaskan 'bentuk'

Mengenali 'Non-Action verb' berasaskan 'form' (bentuk) diikuti 'tense' (sistem masa).

Bentuk 'aktif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
AktifLikePresent tenseITidakI like
AktifLikePresent tenseYouTidakYou like
AktifLikePresent tenseSingularYalikes
AktifLikePresent tensePluralTidakThey like
AktifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaI have liked
AktifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have liked
AktifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaShe has liked
AktifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaYou have liked
AktifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast tenseIYaI liked
AktifLikePast tenseYouYaYou liked
AktifLikePast tenseSingularYaHe liked
AktifLikePast tensePluralYaThey liked
AktifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaI had liked
AktifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had liked
AktifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had liked
AktifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaThey had liked
AktifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture tenseITidakI will like
AktifLikeFuture tenseYouTidakYou will like
AktifLikeFuture tenseSingularTidakShe will like
AktifLikeFuture tensePluralTidakThey will like
AktifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will have liked
AktifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will have liked
AktifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will has liked
AktifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaThey will have liked
AktifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
AktifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

Bentuk 'negatif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
NegatifLikePresent tenseITidakI do not like
NegatifLikePresent tenseYouTidakYou do not like
NegatifLikePresent tenseSingularTidakHe does not like
NegatifLikePresent tensePluralTidakThey do not like
NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaI have not liked
NegatifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have not liked
NegatifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaShe has not liked
NegatifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaYou have not liked
NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast tenseITidakI did not like
NegatifLikePast tenseYouTidakYou did not like
NegatifLikePast tenseSingularTidakHe did not like
NegatifLikePast tensePluralTidakThey did not like
NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaI had not liked
NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had not liked
NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had not liked
NegatifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaThey had not liked
NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture tenseITidakI will not like
NegatifLikeFuture tenseYouTidakYou will not like
NegatifLikeFuture tenseSingularTidakShe will not like
NegatifLikeFuture tensePluralTidakThey will not like
NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will not have liked
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will not have liked
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will not has liked
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaThey will not have liked
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

Bentuk 'pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
PasifLikePresent tenseIYaI am liked
PasifLikePresent tenseYouYaYou are liked
PasifLikePresent tenseSingularYaHe is liked
PasifLikePresent tensePluralYaWe are liked
PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaI have been liked
PasifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have been liked
PasifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaHe has been liked
PasifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaWe have been liked
PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast tenseIYaI was liked
PasifLikePast tenseYouYazYou were liked
PasifLikePast tenseSingularYaHe was liked
PasifLikePast tensePluralYaWe were liked
PasifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaI had been liked
PasifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had been liked
PasifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had been liked
PasifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaWe had been liked
PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture tenseIYaI will be liked
PasifLikeFuture tenseYouYaYou will be liked
PasifLikeFuture tenseSingularYaHe will be liked
PasifLikeFuture tensePluralYaWe will be liked
PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will have been liked
PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will have been liked
PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaHe will have been liked
PasifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWe will have been liked
PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

Bentuk 'Soalan Pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
Soalan PasifLikePresent tenseIYaDo I been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent tenseYouYaDo you been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent tenseSingularYaDoes he been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent tensePluralYaDo they been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaHave I liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave you liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas she liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave you liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast tenseITidakDid I like ?
Soalan PasifLikePast tenseYouTidakDid you like ?
Soalan PasifLikePast tenseSingularTidakDid he like ?
Soalan PasifLikePast tensePluralTidakDid they like ?
Soalan PasifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaHad I been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaHad you been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad he been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaHad they been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture tenseIYaWill I been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture tenseYouYaWill you been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture tenseSingularYaWill she been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture tensePluralYaWill they been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill I have been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill you have been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill she has been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill they have been liked ?
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan PasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

Bentuk 'Soalan Negatif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
Soalan NegatifLikePresent tenseITidakDon't I like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent tenseYouTidakDon't you like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent tenseSingularTidakDoesn't he like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent tensePluralTidakDon't they like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaHave not I liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave not you liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas not she liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave not you liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast tenseITidakDid not I like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast tenseYouTidakDid not you like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast tenseSingularTidakDid not he like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast tensePluralTidakDid not they like ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaHad not I liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaHad not you liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad not he liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaHad not they liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture tenseITidakWill not I like ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture tenseYouTidakWill not you like ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture tenseSingularTidakWill not she like ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture tensePluralTidakWill not they like ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill not I have liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill not you have liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill not she have liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill not they have liked ?
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan NegatifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

Bentuk 'Soalan Negatif Pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa ('Tense')ObjekBerubah ?Contoh
Soalan negatif PasifLikePresent tenseITidakDon't I like ?
Soalan negatif PasifLikePresent tenseYouTidakDon't you like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent tenseSingularTidakDoesn't he like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent tensePluralTidakDon't they like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect tenseIYaHave not I liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave not you liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas not she liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave not you liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePresent Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast tenseITidakDid not I be liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast tenseYouTidakDid not you be liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast tenseSingularTidakDid not he be liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast tensePluralTidakDid not they be liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect tenseIYaHad not I liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect tenseYouYaHad not you liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad not he liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect tensePluralYaHad not they liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikePast Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture tenseITidakWill not I like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture tenseYouTidakWill not you like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture tenseSingularTidakWill not she like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture tensePluralTidakWill not they like ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill not I have liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill not you have liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill not she have liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill not they have liked ?
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYou(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingular(tidak digunakan) -
Soalan negatif pasifLikeFuture Perfect Continuous tensePlural(tidak digunakan) -

31. Mengenali 'Tense'

Mengenali 'tense'

'Tense' adalah satu sistem ejaan dalam bahasa Inggeris bagi satu ketika masa atau tempoh masa dimana sesuatu perbuatan atau hal dimaksudkan berlaku oleh penutur.

Dalam bahasa Melayu tidak ada sistem 'tense' dalam struktur ayatnya.

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, apabila kita menyebut sesuatu perbuatan atau hal, contohnya 'eat' (makan), kita hendaklah sedar bilakah 'masa' atau 'tempoh masa' perbuatan itu dimaksudkan berlaku.

'Tense' (Masa atau tempoh sesuatu perbuatan itu berlaku) mempengaruhi ejaan dan sebutan bagi perbuatan itu. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'eat' (makan), akan berubah ejaannya (dan sebutannya) menjadi 'ate' (telah makan) jika berlaku pada masa lepas, atau berubah ejaannya (dan sebutannya) menjadi 'has eaten' (sudah makan) jika berlaku pada tempoh yang lalu berlanjutan hingga sekarang, dan sebagainya.

Berikut ialah nama-nama masa atau nama tempoh-tempoh masa yang dikenalpasti bagi sesuatu perbuatan/hal dimaksudkan berlaku :

Bil.English - TensesMelayu - Masa/Tempoh
1.Present tense atau Simple Present tenseKelaziman/kebiasaan dari dulu hingga sekarang
2.Present Continuous tense atau Present Progressive tenseSedang berlaku sekarang
3.Present Perfect tenseBerlaku pada tempoh masa dahulu hingga sekarang
4.Present Perfect Continuous tense atau Present Perfect Progressive tenseSedang berlaku pada tempoh dahulu hingga sekarang
5.Past tense atau Simple Past tenseKelaziman/kebiasaan dahulu. Berlaku pada masa dahulu
6.Past Continuous tense atau Past Progressive tenseSedang berlaku tapi pada masa dahulu
7.Past Perfect tenseBerlaku bagi tempoh masa dahulu
8.Past Perfect Continuous tense atau Past Perfect Progressive tenseSedang berlaku tapi pada tempoh dahulu
9.Future tense (for the present) atau Simple Future tense (for the present)Akan berlaku pada masa depan (bagi masa sekarang)
10.Future Continuous tense (for the present) atau Future Progressive tense (for the present)Sedang berlaku tapi pada masa depan (bagi masa sekarang)
11.Future Perfect tense (for the present) atau Future Perfect tense (for the present)Akan berlaku pada satu tempoh masa di masa depan (bagi masa sekarang)
12.Future Perfect Continuous tense (for the present) atau Future Perfect Progressive tense (for the present)Sedang berlaku tapi bagi satu tempoh masa pada masa depan (bagi masa sekarang)
13.Future tense (for the past) atau Simple Future tense (for the past)Akan berlaku pada masa depan (bagi masa lalu)
14.Future Continuous tense (for the past) atau future progressive tense (for the past)Sedang berlaku tapi pada masa depan (bagi masa lalu)
15.Future Perfect tense (for the past) atau Future Perfect tense (for the past)Akan berlaku pada satu tempoh masa di masa depan (bagi masa lalu)
16.Future Perfect Continuous tense (for the past) atau Future Perfect Progressive tense (for the past)Sedang berlaku tapi bagi satu tempoh masa pada masa depan (bagi masa lalu)

Terdapat pelbagai 'form'/'mode' (bentuk) bagi satu-satu 'tense' iaitu :

1. Bentuk aktif.
2. Bentuk negatif.
3. Bentuk pasif.
4. Bentuk pasif bagi negatif.
5. Bentuk soalan bagi aktif.
6. Bentuk soalan bagi negatif.
7. Bentuk soalan bagi pasif.
8. Bentuk soalan bagi pasif yang negatif.
9. Bentuk arahan.
10.Bentuk permintaan.

Bagi tiap-tiap bentuk, terdapat pelbagai struktur-struktur yang digunakan.

Selepas ini kita akan mengenal beberapa struktur berkenaan.

18. Mengenali 'non-action verb' berasaskan 'tense'

Mengenali 'non-action verb' berasaskan 'tense'

Mengenali 'non-action verb' berasaskan 'tense' menggunakan perkataan contoh.

Perkataan contoh : 'Like' (suka). ('Like' ialah perkataan 'infinitive' bagi 'non-action verb' yang seperti 'non-verb').

BentukMasaContoh Objek - IContoh Objek - YouContoh Objek - PluralContoh Objek - Singular
AktifPresent tenseI likeYou likeWe likeHe likes
NegatifPresent tenseI do not likeYou do not likeWe do not likeHe does not like
PasifPresent tenseI am liked by...You are liked by ...We are liked by ...He is liked by ...
Negatif + Pasif Present tenseI am not liked by ...You are not liked by ...We are not liked by ...He is not liked by ...
Soalan + AktifPresent tenseDo I like cake ?Do you like cake ?Do we like cake ?Does he like cake ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent tenseDo not I like cake ?Do not you like cake ?Do not we like cake ?Does not he like cake ?
Soalan + PasifPresent tenseDo I be liked ?Do you be liked ?Do we be liked ?Does he be liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + Pasif Present tenseAm I not liked by ... ?Are you not liked by ... ?Are we not liked by ... ?Is he not liked by ... ?
AktifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan) ?(Tidak digunakan) ?(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan) (Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
AktifPresent Perfect tenseI have likedYou have likedWe have likedHe has liked
NegatifPresent Perfect tenseI have not likedYou have not likedWe have not likedHe has not liked
PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have been likedYou have been likedWe have been likedHe has been liked
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have not been likedYou have not been likedWe have not been likedHe has not been liked
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect tenseHave I liked ?Have you liked ?Have we liked ?Has he liked ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I liked ?Have not you liked ?Have not we liked ?Has not he liked ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave I been liked ?Have you been liked ?Have we been liked ?Has he been liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I been liked ?Have not you been liked ?Have not we been liked ?Has not he been liked ?
AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
AktifPast tenseI likedYou likedWe likedHe liked
NegatifPast tenseI did not likeYou did not likeWe did not likeHe did not like
PasifPast tenseI was likedYou were likedWe were likedHe was liked
Negatif + PasifPast tenseI was not likedYou were not likedWe were not likedHe was not liked
Soalan + AktifPast tenseDid I like ?Did you like ?Did we like ?Did he like ?
Soalan + NegatifPast tenseDid not I like ?Did not you like ?Did not we like ?Did not he like ?
Soalan + PasifPast tenseWas I liked ?Were you liked ?Were we liked ?Was he liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast tenseWas not I been liked ?Were not you been liked ?Were not we been liked ?Was not he been liked ?
AktifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
AktifPast Perfect tenseI had likedYou had likedWe had likedHe had liked
NegatifPast Perfect tenseI had not likedYou had not likedWe had not likedHe had not liked
PasifPast Perfect tenseI had been likedYou had been likedWe had been likedHe had been liked
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseI had not been likedYou had not been likedWe had not been likedHe had not been liked
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect tenseHad I liked ?Had you liked ?Had we liked ?Had he liked ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not I liked ?Had not you liked ?Had not we liked ?Had not he liked ?
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad I been liked ?Had you been liked ?Had we been liked ?Had he been liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad not I been liked ?Had not you been liked ?Had not we been liked ?Had not he been liked ?
AktifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
AktifFuture tenseI will likeYou will likeWe will likeHe will like
NegatifFuture tenseI will not likeYou will not likeWe will not likeHe will not like
PasifFuture tenseI will be likedYou will be likedWe will be likedHe will be liked
Negatif + PasifFuture tenseI will not be likedYou will not be likedWe will not be likedHe will not be liked
Soalan + AktifFuture tenseWill I like ?Will you like ?Will we like ?Will he like ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture tenseWill not I like ?Will not you like ?Will not we like ?Will not he like ?
Soalan + PasifFuture tenseWill I be liked ?Will you be liked ?Will we be liked ?Will he be liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture tenseWill not I be liked ?Will not you be liked ?Will not we be liked ?Will not he be liked ?
AktifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
AktifFuture Perfect tenseI will have likedYou will have likedWe will have likedHe will have liked
NegatifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have likedYou will not have likedWe will not have likedHe will not have liked
PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will have been likedYou will have been likedWe will have been likedHe will have been liked
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have been likedYou will not have been likedWe will not have been likedHe will not have been talked
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have liked ?Will you have liked ?Will we have liked ?Will he has liked ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill not I have liked ?Will not you have liked ?Will not we have liked ?Will not he have liked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have been liked ?Will you have been liked ?Will we have been liked ?Will he have been liked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill not I have been likedWill not you have been liked ?Will not you have been liked ?Will not he have been liked ?
AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tense(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)(Tidak digunakan)

19. Beza 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb'

Beza 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb'

Berikut ialah beberapa perbezaan dan persamaan antara 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb' dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggeris.

Persamaan/ Perbezaanaction verbContohnon-action verbContoh
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam memberi arahan/tegahan tanpa berubah ejaan (tanpa melibatkan objek dan masa)Don't walkBoleh digunakan dalam memberi arahan/tegahan tanpa berubah ejaan (tanpa melibatkan objek dan masa)Don't think
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan tanpa berubah ejaan bagi 'present/past/future tense'Do you eat rice ?Boleh digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan tanpa berubah ejaan bagi 'present/past/future tense'Do you think the same ?
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam 'present tense' bagi objek 'singular' tapi berubah ejaanHe eats riceBoleh digunakan dalam 'present tense' bagi objek 'singular' tapi berubah ejaanHe considers other people
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam 'present tense' bagi objek 'plural' tanpa berubah ejaanThey eat riceDigunakan dalam 'present tense' bagi objek 'plural' tanpa berubah ejaanThey consider moving
PersamaanBoleh digunakan oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dalam 'future tense' tanpa berubah ejaanI will walkBoleh digunakan oleh objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dalam 'future tense' tanpa berubah ejaanI will think
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan tapi berubah ejaan bagi 'present perfect/past perfect/future perfect tense'Have you eaten ?Boleh digunakan dalam soalan/pertanyaan tapi berubah ejaan bagi 'present perfect/past perfect/future perfect tense'Have you considered ?
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam pernyataan negatif tanpa berubah ejaan bagi objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dan 'present/past/future tense'I don't walk to schoolBoleh digunakan dalam pernyataan negatif tanpa berubah ejaan bagi objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dan 'present/past/future tense'I don't fear the enemy
PersamaanBoleh digunakan dalam pernyataan negatif tapi berubah ejaan bagi objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dan 'present perfect/past perfect/future perfect tense'I have not eatenBoleh digunakan dalam pernyataan negatif tapi berubah ejaan bagi objek 'I, you, singular, plural' dan 'present perfect/past perfect/future perfect tense'I have not considered
PerbezaanBoleh digunakan dalam 'soalan/pertanyaan' tapi berubah ejaan bagi 'present continuous/past continuous/future continuous tense'Are you sleeping ?(Non-action verb tidak boleh digunakan dalam 'present continuous/past continuous/future continuous tense') -
PerbezaanBoleh digunakan dalam bentuk 'continuous' iaitu 'present continuous/past continuous/future continuous/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous/future perfect continuous tense' tapi berubah ejaanI am walking(Non-action verb tidak boleh digunakan dalam bentuk 'continuous' iaitu 'present continuous/past continuous/future continuous/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous/future perfect continuous tense') -

Catitan :

- 'Berubah ejaan' bermaksud berubah dari ejaan 'infinitive'.

Ringkasan :

Bentuk 'aktif' :

MasaObjekAction verb - 
Berubah ?
ContohNon-Action verb - 
Berubah ?
Present tenseITidakI anticipateTidakI like
Present tenseSingularBerubahHe anticipatesYaHe likes
Present tenseYou, PluralTidakThey anticipateTidakWe like
Present Continuous tenseIBerubahI am talking(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularBerubahHe is talking(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahThey are talking(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIYaI have eatenYaI have liked
Present perfect tenseSingularYaShe has eatenYaShe has liked
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaYou have talkedYaWe have liked
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe has been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaYou have talked(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseIYaI ateYaI liked
Past tenseSingularYaHe ateYaHe liked
Past tenseYou, PluralYaWe ateYaWe liked
Past Continuous tenseIYaI was eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularYaHe was eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey were eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIYaI had eatenYaI had liked
Past Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had eatenYaHe had liked
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWe had eatenYaWe had liked
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI had been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe had been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey had been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseITidakI will eatTidakI will like
Future tenseSingularTidakShe will eatTidakShe will like
Future tenseYou, PluralTidakWe will eatTidakWe will like
Future Continuous tenseIYaI will be eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will be eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWe will be eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIYaI will have eatenYaI will have liked
Future Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will has eatenYaShe will has liked
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWe will have eatenYaWe will have liked
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI will have been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will have been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWe will have been eating(Tidak boleh digunakan)-

Bentuk 'negatif' :

MasaObjekAction Verb - Berubah ?ContohNon-Action verb - Berubah ?Contoh
Present tenseITidakI do not anticipateTidakI do not like
Present tenseSingularTidakHe does not anticipateTidakHe does not like
Present tenseYou, PluralTidakWe do not anticipateTidakWe do not like
Present Continuous tenseIYaI am not talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularYaHe is not talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey are not talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIYaI have not eatenYaI have not liked
Present perfect tenseSingularYaShe has not eatenYaShe has not liked
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWe have not talkedYaWe have not liked
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have not been talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe has not been talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey has not been talking(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseITidakI did not eatTidakI did not like
Past tenseSingularTidakHe did not eatTidakHe did not like
Past tenseYou, PluralTidakWe did not eatTidakWe did not like
Past Continuous tenseIYaI was not eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularYaHe was not eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWe were not eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIYaI had not eatenYaI had not like
Past Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had not eatenYaHe had not liked
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWe had not eatenYaWe had not liked
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI had not been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe had not been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWe had not been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseITidakI will not eatTidakI will not like
Future tenseSingularTidakShe will not eatTidakShe will not like
Future tenseYou, PluralTidakWe will not eatTidakWe will not like
Future Continuous tenseIYaI will not be eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will not be eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey will not be eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIYaI will not have eatenYaI will not have liked
Future Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will not has eatenYaShe will not has liked
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWe will not have eatenYaWe will not have liked
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI will not have been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will not have been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaThey will not have been eating(tidak boleh digunakan)-

Bentuk 'pasif' :

MasaObjekAction Verb - Berubah ?ContohNon-action Verb - Berubah ?Contoh
Present tenseIBerubahI am anticipated by...I am liked by...
Present tenseSingularBerubahHe is anticipated by ...YaHe is liked by ...
Present tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe are anticipated by ...YaWe are liked by ...
Present Continuous tenseIBerubahbeing talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularBerubahThe issue is being talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe are being talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIBerubahI have been eatenYaI have been liked by ...
Present perfect tenseSingularBerubahIt has been eatenYaIt has been liked by ...
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe have been eatenYaWe have been liked by ...
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIBerubahI have been being talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseSingularBerubahThe issue has been being talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe have been being talked(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseIBerubahI was eaten by ...YaI was liked by ...
Past tenseSingularBerubahHe was eaten by ...YaHe was liked by ...
Past tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe were eaten by ...YaWe were liked by ...
Past Continuous tenseIBerubahI was being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularBerubahHe was being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe were being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIBerubahI had been eaten by ...YaI had been liked by ...
Past Perfect tenseSingularBerubahHe had been eaten by ...YaHe had been liked by ...
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe had been eaten by ...YaWe had been liked by ...
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIBerubahI had been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularBerubahHe had been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe had been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseIBerubahI will be eaten by ...YaI will be liked by ...
Future tenseSingularBerubahHe will be eaten by ...
Future tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe will be eaten by ...TaWe will be liked by ...
Future Continuous tenseIBerubahI will be being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularBerubahHe will be being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe will be being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIBerubahI will have been eaten by ...YaI will have been liked by ...
Future Perfect tenseSingularBerubahHe will has been eaten by ...YaHe will has been liked by ...
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe will have been eaten by ...YaWe will have been liked by ...
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIBerubahI will have been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularBerubahHe will have been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWe will have been being eaten by ...(tidak boleh digunakan)-

Bentuk 'Soalan Aktif' :

MasaObjekAction Verb - Berubah ?ContohNon-action verb - berubah ?Contoh
Present tenseITidakDo I anticipat ?YaDo I like ...?
Present tenseSingularTidakDoes he anticipate ?TidakDoes he like ...?
Present tenseYou, PluralTidakDo they anticipate ?TidakDo they like ... ?
Present Continuous tenseIYaAm I talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularYaIs he talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaAre they talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIYaHave I eaten ?YaHave I liked ... ?
Present perfect tenseSingularYaHas she eaten ?YaHas she liked ...?
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHave you eaten ?YaHave you liked ...?
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave I been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas he been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHave they been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseITidakDid I eat ?TidakDid I like cake ?
Past tenseSingularTidakDid he eat ?TidakDid he like cake ?
Past tenseYou, PluralTidakDid they eat ?TidakDid we like cake ?
Past Continuous tenseIYaWas I eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularYaWas he eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWere they eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIYaHad I eaten ?YaHad I liked cake ?
Past Perfect tenseSingularYaHad he eaten ?YaHad he liked cake ?
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHad they eaten ?YaHad they liked cake ?
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHad I been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHad he been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHad they been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseITidakWill I eat ?TidakWill I like cake ?
Future tenseSingularTidakWill she eat ?TidakWill she like cake ?
Future tenseYou, PluralTidakWill they eat ?TidakWill they like cake ?
Future Continuous tenseIBerubahWill I be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularBerubahWill she be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralBerubahWill they be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIYaWill I have eaten ?YaWill I have liked cake ?
Future Perfect tenseSingularYaWill she has eaten ?YaWill she has liked cake ?
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWill they have eaten ?YaWill they have liked cake ?
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill I have been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill she has been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWill they have been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-

Bentuk 'Soalan Negatif' :

MasaObjekAction Verb - Berubah ?ContohNon-action Verb - Berubah ?Contoh
Present tenseITidakDon't I anticipate ?TidakDon't I like cake ?
Present tenseSingularTidakDoesn't he anticipate ?TidakDoesn't he like cake ?
Present tenseYou, PluralTidakDon't they anticipate ?TidakDon't they like cake ?
Present Continuous tenseIYaAm I not talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularYaIs he not talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaAre they not talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIYaHave not I eaten ?YaHave not I liked cake ?
Present perfect tenseSingularYaHas not she eaten ?YaHas not she liked cake ?
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHave not you eaten ?YaHave not you liked cake ?
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave I not been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas he not been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHave they not been talking ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseITidakDid not I eat ?TidakDid not I like cake ?
Past tenseSingularTidakDid not he eat ?TidakDid not he like cake ?
Past tenseYou, PluralTidakDid not they eat ?TidakDid not they like cake ?
Past Continuous tenseIYaWas not I eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularYaWas not he eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWere not they eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIYaHad not I eaten ?YaHad not I liked cake ?
Past Perfect tenseSingularYaHad not he eaten ?YaHad not he liked cake ?
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHad not they eaten ?YaHad not they liked cake ?
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHad not I been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHad not he been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHad not they been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseITidakWill not I eat ?TidakWill not I like cake ?
Future tenseSingularTidakWill not she eat ?TidakWill not she like cake ?
Future tenseYou, PluralTidakWill not they eat ?TidakWill not they like cake ?
Future Continuous tenseIYaWill not I be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWill not they be eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIYaWill not I have eaten ?YaWill not I have liked cake ?
Future Perfect tenseSingularYaWill not she has eaten ?YaWill not she has liked cake ?
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWill not they have eaten ?YaWill not they have liked cake ?
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill not I have been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she have been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWill not they have been eating ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-

Bentuk 'Soalan Pasif' :

MasaObjekAction Verb - Berubah ?ContohNon-action verb - berubah ?Contoh
Present tenseIYaDo I anticipated ?YaDo I liked by ...?
Present tenseSingularTidakDoes he anticipated by ...?TidakDoes he liked by ...?
Present tenseYou, PluralYaDo they anticipated by ?YaDo they  liked by ... ?
Present Continuous tenseIYaAm I being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseSingularYaIs he being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaAre they being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect tenseIYaHave I been eaten ?YaHave I been liked ... ?
Present perfect tenseSingularYaHas she been eaten ?YaHas she been liked ...?
Present Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHave you been eaten ?YaHave you been liked ...?
Present Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave I been being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas he been being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Present Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHave they been being talked ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past tenseIYaDid I been eaten ?YaDid I been liked ?
Past tenseSingularYaDid he been eaten ?YaDid he been liked ?
Past tenseYou, PluralYaDid they been eaten ?YaDid we been liked ?
Past Continuous tenseIYaWas I being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseSingularYaWas he being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWere they being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect tenseIYaHad I been eaten ?YaHad I been liked ?
Past Perfect tenseSingularYaHad he been eaten ?YaHad he been liked ?
Past Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaHad they been eaten ?YaHad they been liked ?
Past Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHad I been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaGad he been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Past Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaHad they been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future tenseIYaWill I been eaten ?YaWill I been liked ?
Future tenseSingularYaWill she been eaten ?YaWill she been liked ?
Future tenseYou, PluralYaWill they been eaten ?YaWill they been liked ?
Future Continuous tenseIYaWill I being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseSingularYaWill she being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWill they being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect tenseIYaWill I have been eaten ?YaWill I have been liked ?
Future Perfect tenseSingularYaWill she has been eaten ?YaWill she has been liked ?
Future Perfect tenseYou, PluralYaWill they have been eaten ?YaWill they have been liked ?
Future Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill I have been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill she have been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-
Future Perfect Continuous tenseYou, PluralYaWill they have been being eaten ?(Tidak boleh digunakan)-