Thursday, January 31, 2013

11. 'Verb' : 'Action verb' dan 'Non-action verb'

'Verb' : 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb'

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, 'verb' (perkataan dasar bagi perbuatan yang betul-betul berlaku) boleh dibahagikan kepada 2 jenis iaitu :

1. 'Action verb' atau 'physical verb' atau 'non-stative verb'.
2. 'Non-action verb' atau 'non-physical verb' atau 'stative verb'.

'Action verb' adalah perkataan dasar bagi perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh anggota fizikal bernyawa, contohnya 'eat' (makan - oleh mulut), 'sleep' (tidur - oleh badan), 'read' (baca - oleh mulut) dan sebagainya.

'Non-action verb' ialah perkataan perbuatan selain dari 'action verb' iaitu perkataan perbuatan yang dihasilkan oleh 'state' (kedudukan - ), 'situation'(keadaan), 'status' (status), 'attributes' (ciri-ciri), 'event' (peristiwa/kejadian), 'feelings' / 'emotions' (perasaan), 'mental' (fikiran)dan sebagainya, seperti 'think' (fikir - oleh otak), 'guess' (agak - oleh otak), 'happy' (gembira - satu keadaan), dan lain-lain.

Sesuatu 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb' tertakluk kepada sistem masa ('tense') yang berbeza (sedikit) dalam penggunaannya dalam ayat.

Contohnya 'action verb' 'eat' boleh ditambah dengan ing untuk menjadi is eating (sedang makan), tapi 'non-action verb' happy tidak boleh ditambah dengan ing kononnya untuk menjadi is happying.

Bab-bab berikut akan menemukan kita dengan beberapa contoh lain tentang perbezaan penggunaan dalam ayat bagi menggambarkan 'action verb' dan 'non-action verb'.

Seringkali 'non-action verb' dinyatakan sebagai 'non-continuous verb'/'non-progressive verb' (hal tidak bersambung) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris. Ini kerana perkataan-perkataan itu bukan satu proses tapi cuma diujudkan oleh status/keadaan.

Jadi, 'non-action verb' tidak boleh berada dalam keadaan bersambung ('continuous'), iaitu ia tidak ujud dalam masa-masa ('tense') berikut ini :

Present Continuous tense.
Present Perfect Continuous tense.
Past Continuous tense.
Past Perfect Continuous tense.
Future Continuous tense.
Future Perfect Continuous tense.

Berikut ialah beberapa 'non-action verb' :

LikeSuka. Seperti(Desire)
PreferLebih gemar(Desire)

Contoh penggunaan 'non-action verb' :

Mr. T seems like a nice guyEn. T nampak seperti orang yang baik(Betul)
Mr. T is seeming like a nice guy - (Salah. 'Seem' ialah 'non-action verb', jadi tidak boleh ditambah 'ing')
This salad tastes deliciousSalad ini rasanya sedap(Betul)
This salad is tasting delicious - (Salah - 'Taste' ialah 'non-action verb', jadi tidak boleh ditambah 'ing')
I like banana cream pieSaya suka kuih krim pisang(Betul)
I am liking banana cream pie - (Salah - 'Like' ialah 'non-action verb', jadi tidak boleh ditambah 'ing'))

Bagaimanapun, sesetengah 'non-action verb' adalah juga 'action verb' (boleh menjadi 'continuous') :

English - Non-action verbMelayuEnglish - Action verb

Contoh penggunaan bagi sesetengah 'non-action verb' yang juga 'action verb' (boleh menjadi 'continuous') :

EnglishMelayuAction/ Non-Action
Those flowers look beautifulBunga-bunga itu kelihatan cantik(Non-action verb)
She is looking out the windowDia sedang memandang ke luar tingkap(Action verb)
I think that's a great ideaSaya fikir itu satu buah fikiran yang bagus(Non-action verb)
I am thinking about my upcoming speechSaya sedang memikirkan tentang ucapan saya untuk masa akan datang(Action verb)
We have a brand new carKami mempunyai kereta baru(Non-action verb)
We are having a gathering this weekendKami akan sedang mengadakan satu perjumpaan pada hujung minggu ini(Action verb)
He is a real estate agentDia seorang agen hartanah(Non-action verb)
She is being naughty todayDia sedang bersikap nakal pada hari ini(Action verb)

Dalam bahasa Melayu, tidak ada isu seperti 'action verb' atau 'non-action verb'. Bahasa Melayu tidak membezakan samada sesuatu hal itu perbuatan berbentuk fizikal atau suatu peristiwa/kejadian/status dsb.


Adalah tidak jelas apakah manafaat membahagikan 'verb' kepada 'action' dan 'non-action' sehingga ada peraturan dalam penggunaannya. Rasanya ini satu 'redundancy' (ada tapi tak berguna) dalam bahasa Inggeris.

12. Mengenali 'action verb'

Mengenali 'action verb'

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, 'action verb' adalah 'infinitive' (perkataan dasar) bagi perbuatan sebenar yang dilakukan oleh anggota fizikal, seperti tangan, mulut, kaki, mata : contohnya 'eat' (makan), 'sleep' (tidur), 'read' (baca) dan sebagainya.

'Action verb' dipanggil juga 'verb' sahaja.

Ciri dan Penggunaan 'action verb'

1. 'Action verb' boleh digunakan dalam memberi arahan/tegahan. Apabila 'action verb' digunakan dalam memberi arahan/tegahan, ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Tiada pergantungan pada objek dan masa. Contohnya : 'Please sit at your place'.

2. 'Action verb' boleh ujud dalam masa 'present tense'. Apabila 'action verb' digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan berbentuk 'present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman sekarang) oleh objek 'plural', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Contohnya : 'They play football in the evening'.

3. 'Action verb' boleh digunakan dalam bentuk soalan/pertanyaan. Apabila 'action verb' digunakan dalam bentuk soalan/pertanyaan bagi 'simple tense' iaitu 'simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Tiada pergantungan pada objek dan masa. Contohnya : 'Does he eat durian ?'.

4. 'Action verb' boleh ujud dalam bentuk negatif. Apabila 'action verb' digunakan dalam bentuk negatif, jika hal yang dinyatakan itu berbentuk 'simple tense' ('simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense'), (kebiasaan atau kelaziman), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Contohnya : 'She did not watch the movie'.

5. Jika perbuatan 'action verb' berciri 'simple present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman) itu dilakukan oleh objek 'singular', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH sedikit, biasanya ditambah dengan 's'. Contohnya : 'She scores in every game'.

6. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'present continuous tense' tapi perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH ejaan. Contohnya : 'He is talking'.

7. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'present perfect tense' tapi perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH ejaan. Contohnya : 'He has done the homework'.

8. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past tense' tapi perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH ejaan. Contohnya : 'He jumped'.

9.'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH. Contohnya : 'He was repairing his car'.

10.'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past perfect tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH. Contohnya : 'He had done it'.

11. Apabila 'action verb' berlaku dalam 'future tense' (masa depan), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Samada objek 'I, you, singular' atau 'plural'. Contohnya : 'We will do it'.

1. Apabila perkataan 'action verb' digunakan dalam memberi arahan/tegahan, ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Tiada pergantungan pada objek dan masa dalam memberi arahan/tegahan.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
TalkCakapTalk to me!Bercakaplah dengan saya
TakeAmbilPlease takeSila ambil
GoPergiGo to sleepPergi tidur
WalkJalanWalk fasterJalan cepat lagi
DrinkMinumDrink slowlyMinum dengan perlahan

2. Apabila perkataan 'action verb' digunakan dalam masa 'present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman sekarang) bentuk aktif oleh objek 'I, you, plural', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
SleepTidurI sleep at 10 pm every daySaya tidur pada jam 10 malam setiap hari
PlayMainThey play football at that fieldMereka main bola di padang itu
GoPergiWe go to school togetherKami pergi ke sekolah bersama-sama
TalkCakapYou talk loudAwak bercakap kuat
SmellBauThese fruits smell goodBuah-buahan ini berbau sedap

3. Apabila perkataan 'action verb' digunakan dalam bentuk soalan/pertanyaan bagi simple tense' iaitu 'simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah. Tiada pergantungan pada objek dan masa.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
EatMakanDid you eat fish ?Adakah awak makan ikan ?
WalkJalanDoes she walk to school ?Adakah dia berjalan kaki ke sekolah ?
PlayMainDo they play piano ?Adakah mereka main piano ?
SwimBerenangDoes he swim well ?Adakah dia berenang dengan baik ?
DrivePanduDoes Ali drive cautiously ?Adakah Ali memandu berhati-hati ?

4. Apabila perkataan 'action verb' digunakan dalam bentuk negatif, jika hal yang dinyatakan itu berlaku pada masa 'simple tense' ('simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense'), (kebiasaan atau kelaziman), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
EatMakanI don't eat fishSaya tidak makan ikan
WalkJalanShe doesn't walk to schoolDia tidak berjalan kaki ke sekolah
PlayMainThey don't play pianoMereka tidak bermain piano
CheatTipuHe doesn't cheatDia tidak menipu
TalkCakapAli and Abu don't talk to each otherAli dan Abu tidak bercakap antara satu sama lain

5. Jika perbuatan 'action verb' berciri 'simple present tense' (kebiasaan atau kelaziman) itu dilakukan oleh objek 'singular', ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH sedikit, biasanya ditambah dengan 's'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
SleepTidurHe sleeps at 10 pm every dayDia tidur pada jam 10 malam setiap hari
PlayMainHe plays football at that field every afternoonDia main bola di padang itu setiap petang
GoPergiAli goes to school aloneAli pergi ke sekolah seorang diri
TalkCakapAbu talks loudAbu bercakap kuat
SmellBauThis fruit smells goodBuah ini berbau sedap

6. 'Action verb' boleh digunakan dalam 'Present Continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Present Continuous tense' adalah satu struktur masa bagi perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' sedang berlaku atau sedang dilakukan pada masa sekarang. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'am talking' atau 'is talking' dsb yang bermakna 'sedang bercakap' jika perbuatan bercakap itu sedang dilakukan. Biasanya, perkataan dasar itu ditambah dengan 'ing' dihujungnya.

Struktur 'present Continuous tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
WatchTontonI am watching TVSaya sedang menonton TV
DetermineMenentukanShe is determining the allocationDia sedang menentukan peruntukan
EditEditHe is editing the storyDia sedang mengedit kisah itu
IncreaseMeningkatkanThey are increasing the wall heightMereka sedang meningkatkan ketinggian dinding
TrainLatihWe are trainingKami sedang berlatih

7. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'present perfect tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Present perfect tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' mula berlaku dari satu masa lepas dan berlanjutan hingga sekarang. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'has talked' atau 'have talked' yang bermakna 'sudah bercakap sejak ....' jika perbuatan bercakap itu dimaksudkan telah bermula dari satu masa lepas hingga sekarang.

Struktur 'present perfect tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
SimplifyRingkaskanI have simplified the procedureSaya sudah meringkaskan peraturan
RetainMemegangWe have retained the depositKami sudah memegang deposit
ProtectKawalThey have protected the areaMereka sudah mengawal kawasan itu
ModifyMengubahsuaiHe has modified his carDia sudah mengubahsuai keretanya
EmployMenggajiMr A has employed 10 workersEn A sudah menggaji 10 pekerja

8. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'present perfect continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Present perfect continuous tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' sedang berlaku dari satu masa lepas dan berlanjutan hingga sekarang. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'has been talking' atau 'have been talking' yang bermakna 'sedang bercakap sejak ....' jika perbuatan bercakap itu dimaksudkan sedang berlaku bermula dari satu masa lepas hingga sekarang.

Struktur 'present perfect continuous tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
SimplifyRingkaskanI have been simplifying the procedure since yesterdaysaya sedang meringkaskan peraturan sejak semalam
RetainMemegangWe have been retaining the depositkami sedang menahan deposit
ProtectKawalThey have been protecting the area since the previous dayMereka sedang mengawal kawasan itu sejak kelmarin
ModifyMengubahsuaiHe has been modifying his car since last weekDia sedang mengubahsuai keretanya sejak minggu lepas
EmployMenggajiMr A has been employing 10 workersEn A sedang menggaji 10 pekerja

9. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Past tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' telah berlaku pada satu masa lepas. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'talked' yang bermakna 'telah bercakap' jika perbuatan bercakap itu telah berlaku pada masa lepas.

Struktur 'past tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)Melayu (perkataan dasar)English - Action VerbMelayu
AddTambahHe already added the sugarDia telah menambah gula
GatherKumpulThe enemy gathered near the riverMusuh telah berkumpul berdekatan sungai
DevelopMembangunMicrosoft developed the computer operating systemMicrosoft telah membangunkan sistem operasi komputer
FencePagarHis neighbour fenced his landJirannya telah memagar tanahnya
LaughKetawaHe laughed very loud that woke up his fatherDia telah ketawa sangat kuat hingga mengejutkan ayahnya

10. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Past continuous tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' sedang berlaku atau sedang dilakukan tapi pada masa lepas. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'was talking' atau 'were talking' yang bermakna 'sedang bercakap' jika perbuatan bercakap itu dimaksudkan sedang dilakukan pada satu masa yang lepas. Biasanya, perkataan dasar itu ditambah dengan 'ing' dihujungnya.

Struktur 'past continuous tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
ListenDengarI was listening to the radio so I did not hear his callSaya sedang mendengar radio jadi saya tidak terdengar panggilannya
SleepTidurWhile she was sleeping last night, her car was stolenKetika dia tidur semalam, keretanya telah dicuri
WaitTungguHe was waiting for us when we got off the busDia sedang menunggu kami ketika kami turun dari bas
EatMakanLast night at 7 pm, I was eatingMalam tadi pukul 7 saya sedang makan
SitDudukYesterday at this time, she was sitting at my chairSemalam pada waktu ini, dia sedang duduk di kerusi saya

11. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past perfect tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Past perfect tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' telah mula berlaku dari satu masa lepas dan berlanjutan hingga ke satu masa di masa yang telah lepas juga. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'had talked' yang bermakna 'sudah bercakap sejak ....' jika perbuatan bercakap itu telah bermula dari satu masa lepas dan berakhir ke satu masa yang lepas juga.

Struktur 'past perfect tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
StudyBelajarYou had studied English beforeAwak sudah ada belajar Inggeris sebelum ini
LostHilangI had lost my wallet so I have no money nowSaya sudah hilang dompet duit jadi saya tidak ada wang sekarang
VisitLawatShe had visited tokyo many timesDia sudah melawat tokyo banyak kali
BookTempahWe had booked the ticket for tonight performanceKami sudah menempah tiket untuk persembahan malam ini
OwnMilikThey had owned the house for 20 years before selling itMereka sudah memiliki rumah itu selama 20 tahun sebelum menjualnya

12. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'past perfect continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Past perfect continuous tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' sedang berlaku dari satu masa lepas dan berlanjutan hingga ke satu masa di masa yang telah lepas juga. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'had been talking' yang bermakna 'sudah sedang bercakap sejak ....' jika perbuatan bercakap itu telah bermula dari satu masa lepas dan berakhir ke satu masa yang lepas juga.

Struktur 'past perfect continuous tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
StudyBelajarYou had been studying English in 2001Awak sedang belajar Inggeris pada 2001
LostHilangI had been losing my wallet at that period of timeSaya sedang hilang dompet duit pada tempoh itu
VisitLawatShe had been visiting tokyo during that summerDia sedang melawat tokyo pada musim panas itu
BookTempahWe had been booking the ticket for that performance in that period of timeKami sedang menempah tiket untuk persembahan itu pada tempoh waktu itu
WatchingMenontonThey had been watching the movieMereka sedang meninton wayang

13. Apabila 'action verb' berlaku dalam 'future tense' (masa depan), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') TIDAK berubah, samada objek 'I, you, singular' atau 'plural'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
GoPergiI will goSaya akan pergi
ComeDatangI will comeSaya akan datang
EnterMasukYou will enterAwak akan masuk
ParticipateTurut sertaThey will participateMereka akan turut serta
EatMakanWe will eatMereka akan makan

14. 'Action verb' boleh menjadi 'future continuous tense' tapi ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH.

'Future continuous tense' adalah satu struktur perkataan yang ujud dalam bahasa Inggeris dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu aksi/perbuatan 'action verb' sedang berlaku atau sedang dilakukan tapi pada masa akan datang. Contohnya perkataan dasar 'talk' (cakap) (satu perkataan 'action verb'), menjadi 'will be talking' yang bermakna 'akan sedang bercakap' jika perbuatan bercakap itu dimaksudkan akan sedang dilakukan pada satu masa yang akan datang. Biasanya, perkataan dasar itu ditambah dengan 'ing' dihujungnya.

Struktur 'future continuous tense' boleh dikenakan keatas semua perkataan 'action verb'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
ListenDengarI will be listening to the news in radio at 8 pm tomorrowSaya akan sedang mendengar berita di radio pada jam 8 malam esok
SleepTidurShe will be sleeping at 8 pm tomorrowDia akan sedang tidur pada jam 8 malam esok
WaitTungguHe will be waiting for usDia akan sedang menunggu kami
EatMakanTomorrow night at 7 pm, I will be eatingMalam esok pukul 7 saya akan sedang makan
SitDudukTomorrow at this time, she will be sitting at my chairEsok pada waktu ini, dia akan sedang duduk di kerusi saya

15. Apabila 'action verb' berlaku dalam 'future perfect tense' (masa depan), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH, samada objek itu 'I, you, singular' atau 'plural'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
GoPergiI will have gone by 8 am tomorrowSaya akan sudah pergi pada jam 8 pagi esok
ComeDatangI will have come by 8 am tomorrowSaya akan sudah datang pada jam 8 pagi esok
EnterMasukYou will have entered the compound by this time tomorrowAwak akan sudah memasuki lapangan pada waktu ini esok
ParticipateTurut sertaThey will have participatedMereka akan sudah turut serta
EatMakanWe will have eatenMereka akan sudah makan

16. Apabila 'action verb' berlaku dalam 'future perfect continuous tense' (sedang berlaku dalam satu tempoh dimasa depan), ejaan perkataan dasar ('infinitive') BERUBAH, samada objek itu 'I, you, singular' atau 'plural'.

English (infinitive)MelayuEnglish Action VerbMelayu
WorkKerjaIn November, I will have been working at this company for three yearsMenjelang November, saya akan sudah berkerja di syarikat ini selama tiga tahun
WaitTungguAt five o’clock, I will have been waiting for thirty minutesMenjelang pukul lima, saya akan sudah menunggu selama tiga puluh minit
EnterMasukYou will have been entering the compound around this time tomorrowAwak akan sedang memasuki lapangan sekitar waktu ini esok
LiveTinggalBy 2020 I will have been living in London for sixteen yearsMenjelang 2020 saya akan sudah tinggal di London selama enam belas tahun
PlayMainWhen I turn thirty, I will have been playing football for twenty yearsApabila saya berumur tiga puluh tahun, saya akan sudah bermain bolasepak selama dua puluh tahun

Catitan :

- Strukturnya ialah : (objek) + will + have + been + (present participle).
- Tiada struktur berikut : (objek) + will + has + been + (present participle). Semua objek menggunakan struktur '(objek) + will + have + been + (present participle)', samada objek 'I, you, singular, plural'.
- Ingat bahawa 'non-action verb' tidak menggunakan 'future perfect continuous tense' (sebarang 'continuous tense'.

13. Mengenali 'Action verb' berasaskan 'bentuk'

Mengenali 'action verb' beraskan bentuk

Mengenali 'Action verb' berasaskan 'bentuk' diikuti 'masa' ('tense') diikuti 'objek'.

Bentuk 'aktif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'infinitive')
AktifEatPresent tenseITidakI eat rice
AktifEatPresent tenseYouTidakYou eat rice
AktifEatPresent tenseSingularYaHe eats rice
AktifEatPresent tensePluralTidakThey eat rice
AktifTalkPresent Continuous tenseIYaI am talking
AktifTalkPresent Continuous tenseYouYaYou are talking
AktifTalkPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaHe is talking
AktifTalkPresent Continuous tensePluralYaThey are talking
AktifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaI have eaten
AktifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have eaten
AktifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaShe has eaten
AktifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaYou have talked
AktifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have been eating
AktifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou have been eating
AktifEatPresent perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe has been eating
AktifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaYou have been talking
AktifEatPast tenseIYaI ate
AktifEatPast tenseYouYaYou ate
AktifEatPast tenseSingularYaHe ate
AktifEatPast tensePluralYaThey ate
AktifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaI was eating
AktifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaYou were eating
AktifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaHe was eating
AktifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaThey were eating
AktifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaI had eaten
AktifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had eaten
AktifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had eaten
AktifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaThey had eaten
AktifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI had been eating
AktifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou had been eating
AktifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe had been eating
AktifEatPast Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaThey had been eating
AktifEatFuture tenseITidakI will eat
AktifEatFuture tenseYouTidakYou will eat
AktifEatFuture tenseSingularTidakShe will eat
AktifEatFuture tensePluralTidakThey will eat
AktifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaI will be eating
AktifEatFuture Continuous tenseYouYaYou will be eating
AktifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will be eating
AktifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaThey will be eating
AktifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will have eaten
AktifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will have eaten
AktifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will has eaten
AktifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaThey will have eaten
AktifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI will have been eating
AktifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou will have been eating
AktifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will has been eating
AktifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaThey will have been eating

Bentuk 'Negatif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'Infinitive')
NegatifEatPresent tenseITidakI do not eat
NegatifEatPresent tenseYouTidakYou do not eat
NegatifEatPresent tenseSingularTidakHe does not eat
NegatifEatPresent tensePluralTidakThey do not eat
NegatifTalkPresent Continuous tenseIYaI am not talking
NegatifTalkPresent Continuous tenseYouYaYou are not talking
NegatifTalkPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaHe is not talking
NegatifTalkPresent Continuous tensePluralYaThey are not talking
NegatifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaI have not eaten
NegatifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have not eaten
NegatifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaShe has not eaten
NegatifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaYou have not talked
NegatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have not been eating
NegatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou have not been eating
NegatifEatPresent perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe has not been eating
NegatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaYou have not been talking
NegatifEatPast tenseITidakI did not eat
NegatifEatPast tenseYouTidakYou did not eat
NegatifEatPast tenseSingularTidakHe did not eat
NegatifEatPast tensePluralTidakThey did not eat
NegatifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaI was not eating
NegatifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaYou were not eating
NegatifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaHe was not eating
NegatifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaThey were not eating
NegatifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaI had not eaten
NegatifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had not eaten
NegatifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had not eaten
NegatifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaThey had not eaten
NegatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have not been eating
NegatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou have not been eating
NegatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe has not been eating
NegatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaThey have not /been eating
NegatifEatFuture tenseITidakI will not eat
NegatifEatFuture tenseYouTidakYou will not eat
NegatifEatFuture tenseSingularTidakShe will not eat
NegatifEatFuture tensePluralTidakThey will not eat
NegatifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaI will not be eating
NegatifEatFuture Continuous tenseYouYaYou will not be eating
NegatifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will not be eating
NegatifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaThey will not be eating
NegatifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will not have eaten
NegatifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will not have eaten
NegatifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaShe will not has eaten
NegatifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaThey will not have eaten
NegatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI will not have been eating
NegatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou will not have been eating
NegatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaShe will not have been eating
NegatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaThey will not have been eating

Bentuk 'Pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive''Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'Infinitive')
PasifEatPresent tenseIYaI am eaten
PasifEatPresent tenseYouYaYou are eaten
PasifEatPresent tenseSingularYaHe is eaten
PasifEatPresent tensePluralYaWe are eaten
PasifTalkPresent Continuous tenseIYaI an being talked
PasifTalkPresent Continuous tenseYouYaYou are being talked
PasifTalkPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaHe is being talked
PasifTalkPresent Continuous tensePluralYaWe are being talked
PasifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaI have been eaten
PasifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaYou have been eaten
PasifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaHe has been eaten
PasifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaWe have been eaten
PasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI have been being eaten
PasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou have been being eaten
PasifEatPresent perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe have been being eaten
PasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWe have been being eaten
PasifEatPast tenseIYaI was eaten
PasifEatPast tenseYouYaYou were eaten
PasifEatPast tenseSingularYaHe was eaten
PasifEatPast tensePluralYaWe were eaten
PasifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaI was being eaten
PasifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaYou were being eaten
PasifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaHe was being eaten
PasifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaWe were being eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaI had been eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaYou had been eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHe had been eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaWe had been eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI had been being eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou had been being eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe had been being eaten
PasifEatPast Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWe had been being eaten
PasifEatFuture tenseIYaI will be eaten
PasifEatFuture tenseYouYaYou will be eaten
PasifEatFuture tenseSingularYaHe will be eaten
PasifEatFuture tensePluralYaWe will be eaten
PasifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaI will be being eaten
PasifEatFuture Continuous tenseYou YaYou will be being eaten
PasifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaHe will be being eaten
PasifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaWe will be being eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaI will have been eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaYou will have been eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaHe will have been eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWe will have been eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaI will have been being eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaYou will have been being eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHe will have been being eaten
PasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWe will have been being eaten

Bentuk Soalan 'Pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'Infinitive')
Soalan pasifEatPresent tenseIYaDo I been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent tenseYouYaDo you been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent tenseSingularYaDoes he been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent tensePluralYaDo they been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseIYaAm I being talked ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseYouYaAre you being talked ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaIs he being talked ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Continuous tensePluralYaAre they being talked ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaHave I eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave you eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas she eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave you eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave I been talking ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaHave you been talking ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas he been talking ?
Soalan pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaHave they been talking ?
Soalan pasifEatPast tenseIYaDid I be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast tenseYouYaDid you be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast tenseSingularYaDid he be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast tensePluralYaDid they be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaWas I being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaWas you being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaWas he being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaWere they being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaHad I been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaHad you been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad he been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaHad they been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture tenseIYaWill I be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture tenseYouYaWill you be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture tenseSingularYaWill she be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture tensePluralYaWill they be eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaWill I being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseYouYaWill you being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaWill she being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaWill they being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill I have been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill you have been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill she has been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill they have been eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill I have been being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaWill you have been being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill she have been being eaten ?
Soalan pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWill they have been being eaten ?

Bentuk Soalan 'Negatif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'Infinitive')
Soalan negatifEatEatPresent tenseITidakDon't I eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent tenseYouTidakDon't you eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent tenseSingularTidakDoesn't he eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent tensePluralTidakDon't they eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Continuous tenseIYaAm I not talking ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Continuous tenseYouYaAre you not talking ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaIs he not talking ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Continuous tensePluralYaAre they not talking ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaHave not I eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave not you eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas not she eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave not you eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave not I been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaHave not you been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas not she been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaHave not you been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast tenseITidakDid not I eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPast tenseYouTidakDid not you eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPast tenseSingularTidakDid not he eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPast tensePluralTidakDid not they eat ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaWas not I eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaWere not you eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaWas not he eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaWere not they eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaHad not I eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaHad not you eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad not he eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaHad not they eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHad not I been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaHad not you been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHad not he been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatPast Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaHad not they been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture tenseITidakWill not I eat ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture tenseYouTidakWill not you eat ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture tenseSingularTidakWill not she eat ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture tensePluralTidakWill not they eat ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaWill not I be eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaWill not you be eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she be eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaWill not they be eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill not I have eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill not you have eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill not she have eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill not they have eaten ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill not I have been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaWill not you have been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she have been eating ?
Soalan negatifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWill not they have been eating ?

Bentuk Soalan 'Negatif Pasif' :

Bentuk'Infinitive'Sistem Masa
ObjekBerubah ?
(dari 'Infinitive')
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent tenseIYaDon't I been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent tenseYouYaDon't you been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent tenseSingularYaDoesn't he been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent tensePluralYaDon't they been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseIYaAm not I being talked ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseYouYaAre not you being talked ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Continuous tenseSingularYaIs not he being talked ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Continuous tensePluralYaAre not they being talked ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect tenseIYaHave not I eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect tenseYouYaHave not you eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent perfect tenseSingularYaHas not she eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect tensePluralYaHave not you eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseIYaHave not I been talking ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaHave not you been talking ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaHas not he been talking ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPresent Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaHave not they been talking ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast tenseIYaDid not I be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast tenseYouYaDid not you be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast tenseSingularYaDid not he be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast tensePluralYaDid not they be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Continuous tenseIYaWas not I being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Continuous tenseYouYaWere not you being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Continuous tenseSingularYaWas not he being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Continuous tensePluralYaWere not they being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Perfect tenseIYaHad not I been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Perfect tenseYouYaHad not you been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Perfect tenseSingularYaHad not he been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatPast Perfect tensePluralYaHad not they been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture tenseIYaWill not I be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture tenseYouYaWill not you be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture tenseSingularYaWill not she be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture tensePluralYaWill not they be eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseIYaWill not I being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseYouYaWill not you being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Continuous tensePluralYaWill not they being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseIYaWill not I have been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseYouYaWill not you have been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect tenseSingularYaWill not she has been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect tensePluralYaWill not they have been eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseIYaWill not I have been being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseYouYaWill not you have been being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tenseSingularYaWill not she have been being eaten ?
Soalan negatif pasifEatFuture Perfect Continuous tensePluralYaWill not they have been being eaten ?

14. Mengenali 'Action verb' berasaskan 'tense'

Mengenali 'action verb' berasaskan 'tense'

Mengenali 'action verb' berasaskan 'tense' menggunakan perkataan contoh.

Perkataan contoh ('Infinitive') : 'Talk' (cakap).

BentukSistem Masa
Contoh Objek - IContoh Objek - YouContoh Objek - PluralContoh Objek - Singular
AktifPresent tenseI talkYou talkWe talkHe talks
NegatifPresent tenseI do not talkYou do not talkWe do not talkHe does not talk
PasifPresent tenseI am talkedYou are talkedWe are talkedHe is talked
Negatif + Pasif Present tenseI am not talkedYou are not talkedWe are not talkedHe is not talked
Soalan + AktifPresent tenseDo I talk ?Do you talk ?Do we talk ?Does he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent tenseDo not I talk ?Do not you talk ?Do not we talk ?Does not he talk ?
Soalan + PasifPresent tenseDo I be talked ?Do you be talked ?Do we be talked ?Does he be talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + Pasif Present tenseAm I not talked ?Are you not talked ?Are we not talked ?Is he not talked ?
AktifPresent Continuous tenseI am talkingYou are talkingWe are talkingHe is talking
NegatifPresent Continuous tenseI am not talkingYou are not talkingWe are not talkingHe is not talking
PasifPresent Continuous tenseI am being talkedYou are being talkedWe are being talkedHe is being talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tenseI am not being talkedYou are not being talkedWe are not being talkedHe is not being talked
Soalan + AktifPresent Continuous tenseAm I talking ?Are you talking ?Are we talking ?Is he talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Continuous tenseAm I not talking ?Are you not talking ?Are we not talking ?Is he not talking ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Continuous tenseAm I being talked ?Are you being talked ?Are we being talked ?Is he being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tenseAm I not being talked ?Are you not being talked ?Are we not being talked ?Is he not being talked ?
AktifPresent Perfect tenseI have talkedYou have talkedWe have talkedHe has talked
NegatifPresent Perfect tenseI have not talkedYou have not talkedWe have not talkedHe has not talked
PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have been talkedYou have been talkedWe have been talkedHe has been talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have not been talkedYou have not been talkedWe have not been talkedHe has not been talked
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect tenseHave I talkedHave you talked ?Have we talked ?Has he talked ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I talked ?Have not you talked ?Have not we talked ?Has not he talked ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave I been talked ?Have you been talked ?Have we been talked ?Has he been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I been talked ?Have not you been talked ?Have not we been talked ?Has not he been talked ?
AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have been talkingYou have been talkingWe have been talkingHe has been talking
NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have not been talkingYou have not been talkingWe have not been talkingHe has not been talking
PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have been being talkedYou have been being talkedWe have been being talkedHe has been being talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have not been being talkedYou have not been being talkedWe have not been being talkedHe has not been being talked
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave I been talking ?Have you been talking ?Have we been talking ?Has he been talking ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave I been being talked ?Have you been being talked ?Have we been being talked ?Has he been being talked ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave not I been talking ?Have not you been talking ?Have not we been talking ?Has not he been talking ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave not I been being talkedHave not you been being talked ?Have not we been being talked ?Has not he been being talked ?
AktifPast tenseI talkedYou talkedWe talkedHe talked
NegatifPast tenseI did not talkYou did not talkWe did not talkHe did not talk
PasifPast tenseI was talkedYou were talkedWe were talkedHe was talked
Negatif + PasifPast tenseI was not talkedYou were not talkedWe were not talkedHe was not talked
Soalan + AktifPast tenseDid I talk ?Did you talk ?Did we talk ?Did he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifPast tenseDid not I talkDid not you talk ?Did not we talk ?Did not he talk ?
Soalan + PasifPast tenseWas I talked ?Were you talked ?Were we talked ?Was he talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast tenseWas not I been talked ?Were not you been talked ?Were not we been talked ?Was not he been talked ?
AktifPast Continuous tenseI was talkingYou were talkingWe were talkingHe was talking
NegatifPast Continuous tenseI was not talkingYou were not talkingWe were not talkingHe was not talking
PasifPast Continuous tenseI was being talkedYou were being talkedWe were being talkedHe was being talked
Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tenseI was not being talkedYou were not being talkedWe were not being talkedHe was not being talked
Soalan + AktifPast Continuous tenseWas I talking ?Were You talking ?Were we talking ?Was he talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Continuous tenseWas not I talking ?Were not you talking ?Were not we talking ?Was not he talking ?
Soalan + PasifPast Continuous tenseWas I being talked ?Were you being talked ?Were we being talked ?Was he being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tenseWas not I being talked ?Were not you being talked ?Were not we being talked ?Was not he being talked ?
AktifPast Perfect tenseI had talkedYou had talkedWe had talkedHe had talked
NegatifPast Perfect tenseI had not talkedYou had not talkedWe had not talkedHe had not talked
PasifPast Perfect tenseI had been talkedYou had been talkedWe had been talkedHe had been talked
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseI had not been talkedYou had not been talkedWe had not been talkedHe had not been talked
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect tenseHad I talked ?Had you talked ?Had we talked ?Had he talked ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not I talked ?Had not you talked ?Had not we talked ?Had not he talked ?
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad I been talked ?Had you been talked ?Had we been talked ?Had he been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad not I been talked ?Had not you been talked ?Had not we been talked ?Had not he been talked ?
AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had been talkingYou had been talkingWe had been talkingHe had been talking
NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had not been talkingYou had not been talkingWe had not been talkingHe had not been talking
PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had been being talkedYou had been being talkedWe had been being talkedHe had been being talked
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had not been being talkedYou had not been being talkedWe had not been being talkedHe had not been being talked
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad I been talking ?Had you been talking ?Had we been talking ?Had he been talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not I been talking ?Had not you been talking ?Had not we been talking ?Had not he been talking ?
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad I been being talked ?Had you been being talked ?Had we been being talked ?Had he been being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not I been being talkedHad not you been being talked ?Had not we been being talked ?Had not he been being talked ?
AktifFuture tenseI will talkYou will talkWe will talkHe will talk
NegatifFuture tenseI will not talkYou will not talkWe will not talkHe will not talk
PasifFuture tenseI will be talkedYou will be talkedWe will be talkedHe will be talked
Negatif + PasifFuture tenseI will not be talkedYou will not be talkedWe will not be talkedHe will not be talked
Soalan + AktifFuture tenseWill I talk ?Will you talk ?Will we talk ?Will he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture tenseWill not I talk ?Will not you talk ?Will not we talk ?Will not he talk ?
Soalan + PasifFuture tenseWill I be talked ?Will you be talked ?Will we be talked ?Will he be talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture tenseWill not I be talked ?Will not you be talked ?Will not we be talked ?Will not he be talked ?
AktifFuture Continuous tenseI will be talkingYou will be talkingWe will be talkingHe will be talking
NegatifFuture Continuous tenseI will not be talkingYou will not be talkingWe will not be talkingHe will not be talking
PasifFuture Continuous tenseI will be being talkedYou will be being talkedWe will be being talkedHe will be being talked
Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tenseI will not be being talkedYou will not be being talkedWe will not be being talkedHe will not be being talked
Soalan + AktifFuture Continuous tenseWill I be talking ?Will you be talking ?Will we will talking ?Will he be talking ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Continuous tenseWill not I be talking ?Will not you be talking ?Will not we be talking ?Will not he be talking ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Continuous tenseWill I be being talked ?Will you be being talked ?Will we be being talked ?Will he be being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tenseWill not I be being talked ?Will not you be being talked ?Will not we be being talked ?Will not he be being talked ?
AktifFuture Perfect tenseI will have talkedYou will have talkedWe will have talkedHe will have talked
NegatifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have talkedYou will not have talkedWe will not have talkedHe will not have talked
PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will have been talkedYou will have been talkedWe will have been talkedHe will have been talked
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have been talkedYou will not have been talkedWe will not have been talkedHe will not have been talked
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have talked ?Will you have talked ?Will we have talked ?Will he has talked ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have not talked ?Will not you have talked ?Will not we have talked ?Will not he have talked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have been talked ?Will you have been talked ?Will we have been talked ?Will he have been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWwill not I have been talkedWill not you have been talked ?Will not you have been talked ?Will not he have been talked ?
AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will have been talkingYou will have been talkingWe will have been talkingHe will have been talking
NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will not have been talkingYou will not have been talkingWe will not have been talkingHe will not have been talking
PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will have been being talkedYou will have been being talkedWe will have been being talkedHe will have been being talked
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will not have been being talkedYou will not have been being talkedWe will not have been being talkedHe will not have been being talked
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill I have been talking ?Will you have been talking ?Will we have been talking ?Will he has been talking ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not I have been talking ?Will not you have been talking ?Will not we have been talking ?Will not he have been talking ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill I have been being talked ?Will you have been being talked ?Will we have been being talked ?Will he have been being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not I have been being talked ?Will not you have been being talked ?Will not we have been being talked ?Will not he have been being talked ?

15. Mengenali 'Action verb' berasaskan perkataan contoh

Mengenali 'action verb' beraskan perkataan contoh

Pelbagai bentuk bagi 'action verb' berdasarkan perkataan contoh.

Perkataan contoh : 'Talk' (cakap).

BentukMasaContoh Objek - IContoh Objek - YouContoh Objek - PluralContoh Objek - Singular
AktifPresent tenseI talkYou talkWe talkHe talks
AktifPresent Continuous tenseI am talkingYou are talkingWe are talkingHe is talking
AktifPresent Perfect tenseI have talkedYou have talkedWe have talkedHe has talked
AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have been talkingYou have been talkingWe have been talkingHe has been talking
AktifPast tenseI talkedYou talkedWe talkedHe talked
AktifPast Continuous tenseI was talkingYou were talkingWe were talkingHe was talking
AktifPast Perfect tenseI had talkedYou had talkedWe had talkedHe had talked
AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had been talkingYou had been talkingWe had been talkingHe had been talking
AktifFuture tenseI will talkYou will talkWe will talkHe will talk
AktifFuture Continuous tenseI will be talkingYou will be talkingWe will be talkingHe will be talking
AktifFuture Perfect tenseI will have talkedYou will have talkedWe will have talkedHe will have talked
AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will have been talkingYou will have been talkingWe will have been talkingHe will have been talking
NegatifPresent tenseI do not talkYou do not talkWe do not talkHe does not talk
NegatifPresent Continuous tenseI am not talkingYou are not talkingWe are not talkingHe is not talking
NegatifPresent Perfect tenseI have not talkedYou have not talkedWe have not talkedHe has not talked
NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have not been talkingYou have not been talkingWe have not been talkingHe has not been talking
NegatifPast tenseI did not talkYou did not talkWe did not talkHe did not talk
NegatifPast Continuous tenseI was not talkingYou were not talkingWe were not talkingHe was not talking
NegatifPast Perfect tenseI had not talkedYou had not talkedWe had not talkedHe had not talked
NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had not been talkingYou had not been talkingWe had not been talkingHe had not been talking
NegatifFuture tenseI will not talkYou will not talkWe will not talkHe will not talk
NegatifFuture Continuous tenseI will not be talkingYou will not be talkingWe will not be talkingHe will not be talking
NegatifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have talkedYou will not have talkedWe will not have talkedHe will not have talked
NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will not have been talkingYou will not have been talkingWe will not have been talkingHe will not have been talking
PasifPresent tenseI am talkedYou are talkedWe are talkedHe is talked
PasifPresent Continuous tenseI am being talkedYou are being talkedWe are being talkedHe is being talked
PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have been talkedYou have been talkedWe have been talkedHe has been talked
PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have been being talkedYou have been being talkedWe have been being talkedHe has been being talked
PasifPast tenseI was talkedYou were talkedWe were talkedHe was talked
PasifPast Continuous tenseI was being talkedYou were being talkedWe were being talkedHe was being talked
PasifPast Perfect tenseI had been talkedYou had been talkedWe had been talkedHe had been talked
PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had been being talkedYou had been being talkedWe had been being talkedHe had been being talked
PasifFuture tenseI will be talkedYou will be talkedWe will be talkedHe will be talked
PasifFuture Continuous tenseI will be being talkedYou will be being talkedWe will be being talkedHe will be being talked
PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will have been talkedYou will have been talkedWe will have been talkedHe will have been talked
PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will have been being talkedYou will have been being talkedWe will have been being talkedHe will have been being talked
Negatif + Pasif Present tenseI am not talkedYou are not talkedWe are not talkedHe is not talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tenseI am not being talkedYou are not being talkedWe are not being talkedHe is not being talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseI have not been talkedYou have not been talkedWe have not been talkedHe has not been talked
Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseI have not been being talkedYou have not been being talkedWe have not been being talkedHe has not been being talked
Negatif + PasifPast tenseI was not talkedYou were not talkedWe were not talkedHe was not talked
Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tenseI was not being talkedYou were not being talkedWe were not being talkedHe was not being talked
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseI had not been talkedYou had not been talkedWe had not been talkedHe had not been talked
Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseI had not been being talkedYou had not been being talkedWe had not been being talkedHe had not been being talked
Negatif + PasifFuture tenseI will not be warnedYou will not be warnedWe will not be warnedHe will not be warned
Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tenseI will not be being warnedYou will not be being warnedWe will not be being warnedHe will not be being warned
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseI will not have been warnedYou will not have been warnedWe will not have been warnedHe will not have been warned
Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseI will not have been being warnedYou will not have been being warnedWe will not have been being warnedHe will not have been being warned
Soalan + AktifPresent tenseDo I talk ?Do you talk ?Do we talk ?Does he talk ?
Soalan + AktifPresent Continuous tenseAm I talking ?Are you talking ?Are we talking ?Is he talking ?
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect tenseHave I talkedHave you talked ?Have we talked ?Has he talked ?
Soalan + AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave I been talking ?Have you been talking ?Have we been talking ?Has he been talking ?
Soalan + AktifPast tenseDid I talk ?Did you talk ?Did we talk ?Did he talk ?
Soalan + AktifPast Continuous tenseWas I talking ?Were You talking ?Were we talking ?Was he talking ?
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect tenseHad I talked ?Had you talked ?Had we talked ?Had he talked ?
Soalan + AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad I been talking ?Had you been talking ?Had we been talking ?Had he been talking ?
Soalan + AktifFuture tenseWill I talk ?Will you talk ?Will we talk ?Will he talk ?
Soalan + AktifFuture Continuous tenseWill I be talking ?Will you be talking ?Will we will talking ?Will he be talking ?
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have talked ?Will you have talked ?Will we have talked ?Will he has talked ?
Soalan + AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill I have been talking ?Will you have been talking ?Will we have been talking ?Will he has been talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent tenseDo not I talk ?Do not you talk ?Do not we talk ?Does not he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Continuous tenseAm I not talking ?Are you not talking ?Are we not talking ?Is he not talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I talked ?Have not you talked ?Have not we talked ?Has not he talked ?
Soalan + NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave not I been talking ?Have not you been talking ?Have not we been talking ?Has not he been talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPast tenseDid not I talkDid not you talk ?Did not we talk ?Did not he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Continuous tenseWas not I talking ?Were not you talking ?Were not we talking ?Was not he talking ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not I talked ?Had not you talked ?Had not we talked ?Had not he talked ?
Soalan + NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not I been talking ?Had not you been talking ?Had not we been talking ?Had not he been talking ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture tenseWill not I talk ?Will not you talk ?Will not we talk ?Will not he talk ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Continuous tenseWill not I be talking ?Will not you be talking ?Will not we be talking ?Will not he be talking ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have not talked ?Will not you have talked ?Will not we have talked ?Will not he have talked ?
Soalan + NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not I have been talking ?Will not you have been talking ?Will not we have been talking ?Will not he have been talking ?
Soalan + PasifPresent tenseDo I be talked ?Do you be talked ?Do we be talked ?Does he be talked ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Continuous tenseAm I being talked ?Are you being talked ?Are we being talked ?Is he being talked ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave I been talked ?Have you been talked ?Have we been talked ?Has he been talked ?
Soalan + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave I been being talked ?Have you been being talked ?Have we been being talked ?Has he been being talked ?
Soalan + PasifPast tenseWas I talked ?Were you talked ?Were we talked ?Was he talked ?
Soalan + PasifPast Continuous tenseWas I being talked ?Were you being talked ?Were we being talked ?Was he being talked ?
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad I been talked ?Had you been talked ?Had we been talked ?Had he been talked ?
Soalan + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad I been being talked ?Had you been being talked ?Had we been being talked ?Had he been being talked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture tenseWill I be talked ?Will you be talked ?Will we be talked ?Will he be talked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Continuous tenseWill I be being talked ?Will you be being talked ?Will we be being talked ?Will he be being talked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill I have been talked ?Will you have been talked ?Will we have been talked ?Will he have been talked ?
Soalan + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill I have been being talked ?Will you have been being talked ?Will we have been being talked ?Will he have been being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + Pasif Present tenseAm I not talked ?Are you not talked ?Are we not talked ?Is he not talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Continuous tenseAm I not being talked ?Are you not being talked ?Are we not being talked ?Is he not being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect tenseHave not I been talked ?Have not you been talked ?Have not we been talked ?Has not he been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHave not I been being talkedHave not you been being talked ?Have not we been being talked ?Has not he been being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast tenseWas not I been talked ?Were not you been talked ?Were not we been talked ?Was not he been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Continuous tenseWas not I being talked ?Were not you being talked ?Were not we being talked ?Was not he being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect tenseHad not I been talked ?Had not you been talked ?Had not we been talked ?Had not he been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not I been being talkedHad not you been being talked ?Had not we been being talked ?Had not he been being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture tenseWill not I be talked ?Will not you be talked ?Will not we be talked ?Will not he be talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Continuous tenseWill not I be being talked ?Will not you be being talked ?Will not we be being talked ?Will not he be being talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect tenseWwill not I have been talkedWill not you have been talked ?Will not you have been talked ?Will not he have been talked ?
Soalan + Negatif + PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not I have been being talked ?Will not you have been being talked ?Will not we have been being talked ?Will not he have been being talked ?