Berikut ialah senarai beberapa 'action verb'.
English | Melayu |
Abstract | |
Accelerate | |
Accommodate | |
Accomplish | |
Accumulate | |
Achieve | |
Acquire | |
Act | |
Activate | |
Adapt | |
Add | |
Address | |
Adjust | |
Administer | |
Advertise | |
Advise | |
Advocate | |
Aid | |
Aide | |
Align | |
Allocate | |
Amend | |
Analyze | |
Answer | |
Anticipate | |
Apply | |
Appoint | |
Appraise | |
Approve | |
Arbitrate | |
Arrange | |
Articulate | |
Ascertain | |
Assemble | |
Assess | |
Assign | |
Assist | |
Assume | |
Attain | |
Attend | |
Attract | |
Audit | |
Augment | |
Author | |
Authorize | |
Automate | |
Avert | |
Award | |
Balance | |
Bargain | |
Begin | |
Bolster | |
Boost | |
Bought | |
Brief | |
Broaden | |
Budget | |
Build | |
Built | |
Calculate | |
Calibrate | |
Canvass | |
Capture | |
Care | |
Catalog | |
Catalogue | |
Categorize | |
Cater | |
Cause | |
Centralize | |
Chair | |
Charge | |
Chart | |
Check | |
Check in | |
Check out | |
Clarify | |
Classify | |
Co-operate | |
Coach | |
Code | |
Collaborate | |
Collate | |
Collect | |
Combine | |
Comfort | |
Commence | |
Communicate | |
Compare | |
Compile | |
Complete | |
Compose | |
Compute | |
Conceive | |
Conceptualize | |
Conciliate | |
Conclude | |
Condense | |
Conduct | |
Confer | |
Confirm | |
Connect | |
Conserve | |
Consider | |
Consolidate | |
Construct | |
Consult | |
Contact | |
Contract | |
Contribute | |
Control | |
Convert | |
Convey | |
Convince | |
Cooperate | |
Coordinate | |
Copy | |
Correct | |
Correlate | |
Correspond | |
Counsel | |
Create | |
Critique | |
Cultivate | |
Customize | |
Dealt with | |
Debate | |
Debug | |
Decide | |
Decrease | |
Dedicate | |
Deduce | |
Defend | |
Defer | |
Define | |
Delegate | |
Deliver | |
Demonstrate | |
Depict | |
Depreciated | |
Derive | |
Describe | |
Design | |
Detail | |
Detect | |
Determine | |
Develop | |
Devise | |
Devote | |
Diagnose | |
Diagram | |
Differentiate | |
Direct | |
Discharge | |
Disclose | |
Discover | |
Discriminate | |
Discuss | |
Dispatch | |
Display | |
Dissect | |
Disseminate | |
Distinguish | |
Distribute | |
Diversify | |
Document | |
Draft | |
Draw | |
Drew | |
Earn | |
Edit | |
Educate | |
Effect | |
Elect | |
Elicit | |
Eliminate | |
Emphasize | |
Employ | |
Enable | |
Encourage | |
Enforce | |
Engineer | |
Enhance | |
Enlarge | |
Enlighten | |
Enlist | |
Enrich | |
Ensure | |
Enter | |
Entertain | |
Enumerate | |
Equip | |
Establish | |
Estimate | |
Evaluate | |
Examine | |
Exchange | |
Execute | |
Exercise | |
Exhibit | |
Expand | |
Expedite | |
Experiment | |
Explain | |
Explore | |
Express | |
Extend | |
Extract | |
Extrapolate | |
Fabricate | |
Facilitate | |
Familiarize | |
Fashion | |
File | |
Filter | |
Finalize | |
Fine-tune | |
Fix | |
Focus | |
Forecast | |
Formulate | |
Fortify | |
Forward | |
Foster | |
Found | |
Frame | |
Fund | |
Furnish | |
Further | |
Gather | |
Gauge | |
Generate | |
Govern | |
Grade | |
Grant | |
Greet | |
Guide | |
Handle | |
Head | |
Help | |
Highlight | > |
Hire | |
Host | |
Identify | |
Illustrate | |
Impart | |
Implement | |
Import | |
Improve | |
Improvise | |
Incorporate | |
Increase | |
Index | |
Individualize | |
Influence | |
Inform | |
Initiate | |
Innovate | |
Inspect | |
Inspire | |
Install | |
Institute | |
Instruct | |
Insure | |
Integrate | |
Interact | |
Interface | |
Interpret | |
Intervene | |
Interview | |
Introduce | |
Invent | |
Inventory | |
Investigate | |
Involve | |
Join | |
Judge | |
Justify | |
Label | |
Launch | |
Lead | |
Learn | |
Lecture | |
License | |
Lighten | |
Liquidate | |
List | |
Listen | |
Litigate | |
Lobby | |
Localize | |
Locate | |
Log | |
Maintain | |
Manage | |
Manufacture | |
Map | |
Market | |
Master | |
Maximize | |
Measure | |
Mechanize | |
Mediate | |
Mentor | |
Merge | |
Methodize | |
Minimize | |
Mobilize | |
Model | |
Moderate | |
Modernize | |
Modify | |
Monitor | |
Motivate | |
Narrate | |
Navigate | |
Negotiate | |
Notify | |
Nurse | |
Nurture | |
Observe | |
Obtain | |
Officiate | |
Offset | |
Operate | |
Orchestrate | |
Order | |
Organize | |
Orient | |
Orientate | |
Originate | |
Outline | |
Overhaul | |
Oversaw | |
Oversee | |
Package | |
Participate | |
Perceive | |
Perfect | |
Perform | |
Persuade | |
Photograph | |
Pilot | |
Pioneer | |
Plan | |
Practice | |
Predict | |
Prepare | |
Present | |
Preserve | |
Preside | |
Prevent | |
Prioritize | |
Probe | |
Process | |
Produce | |
Program | |
Project | |
Promote | |
Propose | |
Provide | |
Publicize | |
Publish | |
Purchase | |
Qualify | |
Quantify | |
Quote | |
Raise | |
Ran | |
Rank | |
Rate | |
Read | |
Reason | |
Recall | |
Recognize | |
Recommend | |
Reconcile | |
Record | |
Recreate | |
Recruit | |
Rectify | |
Reduce | |
Refer | |
Refine | |
Register | |
Regulate | |
Rehabilitate | |
Reinforce | |
Relate | |
Related | |
Release | |
Remodel | |
Render | |
Renew | |
Reorganize | |
Repair | |
Replace | |
Report | |
Represent | |
Research | |
Reserve | |
Resolve | |
Respond | |
Restore | |
Restrict | |
Retain | |
Retrieve | |
Revamp | |
Reveal | |
Review | |
Revise | |
Revitalize | |
Route | |
Sample | |
Save | |
Scan | |
Schedule | |
Screen | |
Script | |
Scrutinize | |
Search | |
Secure | |
Segment | |
Select | |
Serve | |
Service | |
Set goals | |
Set up | |
Settle | |
Shape | |
Share | |
Show | |
Simplify | |
Simulate | |
Sketch | |
Sold | |
Solicit | |
Solve | |
Sort | |
Speak | |
Strengthen | |
Structure | |
Study | |
Submit | |
Substantiate | |
Substitute | |
Spearhead | |
Specialize | |
Specify | |
Spoke | |
Stage | |
Standardize | |
Start | |
Stimulate | |
Straighten | |
Strategize | |
Streamline | |
Suggest | |
Summarize | |
Supervise | |
Supply | |
Support | |
Surpass | |
Survey | |
Sustain | |
Symbolize | |
Synthesize | |
Systematize | |
Tabulate | |
Tail | |
Target | |
Taught | |
Teach | |
Tend | |
Terminate | |
Test | |
Theorize | |
Time | |
Tour | |
Trace | |
Track | |
Trade | |
Train | |
Transcribe | |
Transfer | |
Transform | |
Translate | |
Transmit | |
Transport | |
Transpose | |
Travel | |
Treat | |
Triple | |
Troubleshot | |
Tutor | |
Uncover | |
Undertake | |
Unify | |
Unveil | |
Update | |
Upgrade | |
Upheld | |
Use | |
Utilize | |
Validate | |
Value | |
Verify | |
View | |
Visit | |
Visualize | |
Vitalize | |
Volunteer | |
Weigh | |
Widen | |
Win | |
Withdraw | |
witness | |
Write | |
Xerox | |
Yield | |
Zap | |
Zero in | |
Zip | |
Zoom in | |
Zoom out | |
Zone off | |
Senarai sebahagian 'action verb'
Sila maklum bahawa ejaan sebenar mungkin berubah bergantung kepada hal-hal yang dinyatakan di atas (samada disebabkan 'I/you/Singular/Plural' atau masa ('Tense') tertentu).
(Jika ada ruang yang masih kosong, sila gunakan kamus untuk mencari makna dalam bahasa Melayu).
English | Melayu |
Accelerate | melajukan |
Accommodate | menampung |
Accomplish | mencapai |
Accumulate | mengumpul |
Achieve | mencapai |
Acquire | memperoleh |
Act | bertindak |
Activate | |
Adapt | menyesuai |
Add | tambah |
Address | panggil |
Adjust | laras |
Administer | tadbir |
Advertise | mengiklan |
Advise | menasihat |
Advocate | |
Aid | membantu |
Aide | menolong |
Align | melaras |
Allocate | menyisih |
Amend | meminda |
Analyze | menganalisa |
Answer | menjawab |
Anticipate | menjangka |
Apply | memohon |
Appoint | melantik |
Appraise | memuji |
Approve | memperkenan |
Arbitrate | adili |
Arrange | mengatur |
Articulate | |
Ascertain | mempastikan |
Assemble | memasang |
Assess | menilai |
Assign | beri tugas |
Assist | membantu |
Assume | menganggap |
Attain | mencapai |
Attend | menghadhiri |
Attract | menarik |
Audit | mengaudit |
Augment | |
Author | mengarang |
Authorize | membenarkan |
Automate | |
Avert | mengelak |
Award | memberi anugerah |
Balance | seimbang |
Bargain | tawar |
Begin | mula |
Bolster | |
Boost | |
Buy | beli |
Brief | taklimat |
Broad | meluaskan |
Budget | bajet |
Build | bina |
Calculate | kira |
Calibrate | |
Capture | tangkap |
Care | jaga |
Catalog | katalog |
Catalogue | |
Categorize | mengkategori |
Cater | |
Cause | menyebabkan |
Centralize | memusatkan |
Chair | mempengerusikan |
Charge | tuduh |
Chart | lakar |
Check | periksa |
Check in | daftar masuk |
Check out | daftar keluar |
Clarify | memberi penjelasan |
Classify | mengkelaskan |
Co-operate | berkerjasama |
Coach | latih |
Collaborate | |
Collate | susun |
Collect | pungut |
Combine | satukan |
Comfort | selesakan |
Commence | mula |
Communicate | berhubung |
Compare | banding |
Compile | kumpul dan susun |
Complete | lengkap |
Compose | karang/cipta |
Compute | kira |
Conceive | kandung |
Conceptualize | memberi konsep |
Conciliate | |
Conclude | memberi keputusan |
Condense | mampat |
Conduct | jalankan |
Confer | beri anugerah |
Confirm | sahkan |
Connect | hubungkan |
Conserve | jimatkan |
Consider | timbangkan |
Consolidate | satukan |
Construct | bina |
Consult | runding |
Contact | hubung |
Contract | kontrak |
Contribute | sumbang |
Control | kawal |
Convert | tukar |
Convey | sampaikan |
Convince | yakinkan |
Cooperate | kerjasama |
Coordinate | koordinasi |
Copy | salin |
Correct | betulkan |
Correlate | berkaitan |
Correspond | berhubung |
Counsel | nasihat |
Create | cipta/buat |
Critique | kritik |
Cultivate | tanam |
Customize | |
Dealt with | |
Debate | debat |
Debug | |
Decide | ambil keputusan |
Decrease | menurun |
Dedicate | |
Deduce | |
Defend | pertahankan |
Defer | tangguh |
Define | beri makna |
Delegate | |
Deliver | hantar |
Demonstrate | tunjuk |
Depict | gambarkan |
Depreciate | turun |
Derive | sampai |
Describe | terangkan |
Design | lakar |
Detail | perunci |
Detect | kesan |
Determine | tentukan |
Develop | bangunkan |
Devise | cipta, buat |
Devote | serah |
Diagnose | |
Diagram | |
Differentiate | membezakan |
Direct | arahkan |
Discharge | bebaskan |
Disclose | beritahu |
Discover | temu |
Discriminate | membeza-bezakan |
Discuss | bincang |
Dispatch | hantar |
Display | tayang |
Dissect | |
Disseminate | tabur |
Distinguish | bezakan |
Distribute | tebar |
Diversify | pelbagaikan |
Document | dokumen |
Draft | deraf |
Draw | lukis |
Earn | terima |
Edit | edit |
Educate | ajar |
Elect | pilih |
Elicit | |
Eliminate | hapus |
Emphasize | tekan |
Employ | menggaji |
Enable | membolehkan |
Encourage | beri dorongan |
Enforce | kuatkuasa |
Engineer | |
Enhance | kembangkan |
Enlarge | membesarkan |
Enlighten | besarkan |
Enlist | menyenarai |
Enrich | memperkaya |
Ensure | mempastikan |
Enter | masuk |
Entertain | liburkan |
Enumerate | |
Equip | melengkapi |
Establish | |
Estimate | anggar |
Evaluate | nilai semula |
Examine | periksa |
Exchange | tukar |
Execute | laksana |
Exhibit | tayang |
Expand | membesar |
Expedite | cepatkan |
Explain | terangkan |
Explore | jelajah |
Express | lahirkan |
Extend | melanjut |
Extract | sedut |
Extrapolate | |
Fabricate | mengada-ada |
Facilitate | mempermudah |
Familiarize | membiasakan |
File | fail |
Filter | tapis |
Finalize | muktamadkan |
Fine-tune | |
Fix | betulkan |
Focus | tumpu |
Forecast | ramal |
Formulate | memfirmulakan |
Fortify | |
Forward | ke depan |
Foster | mengangkat |
Find | cari |
Frame | tuduh |
Fund | beri dana |
Furnish | beri |
Further | pergi jauh |
Gather | kumpul |
Gauge | ukur |
Generate | hasilkan |
Govern | perintah |
Grade | menggred |
Grant | beri |
Greet | sambut |
Guide | pandu |
Handle | kendali |
Head | ketuai |
Help | tolong |
Highlight | |
Hire | sewa |
Host | menjadi tuan rumah |
Identify | kenalpasti |
Illustrate | lukis |
Impart | kongsi |
Implement | laksana |
Import | impot |
Improve | perbaik |
Improvise | memiskinkan |
Incorporate | |
Increase | tingkatkan |
Index | |
Individualize | |
Influence | pengaruh |
Inform | maklum |
Initiate | mula |
Innovate | cipta |
Inspect | periksa |
Inspire | |
Install | pasang |
Institute | |
Instruct | arah |
Insure | |
Integrate | |
Interact | |
Interface | |
Interpret | tafsir |
Intervene | campur tangan |
Interview | temuduga |
Introduce | perkenal |
Invent | cipta |
Investigate | siasat |
Involve | libat |
Join | masuk |
Judge | hakimi |
Justify | sokong |
Label | melabel |
Launch | lancar |
Lead | |
Learn | belajar |
Lecture | syarah |
License | |
Lighten | meringankan |
Liquidate | mencairkan |
List | menyenaraikan |
Listen | dengar |
Litigate | |
Lobby | lobi |
Localize | menjadika tempatan |
Locate | mencari |
Log | |
Maintain | meneruskan |
Manage | mengurus |
Manufacture | membuat |
Map | memeta |
Market | memasarkan |
Master | |
Maximize | |
Measure | mengukur |
Mechanize | memesin |
Mediate | menjadi orang tengah |
Mentor | menjadi guru |
Merge | cantum |
Methodize | |
Minimize | |
Mobilize | menggerakkan |
Model | |
Moderate | menyederhanakan |
Modernize | memodenkan |
Modify | ubah |
Monitor | pantau |
Motivate | galak |
Narrate | |
Navigate | |
Negotiate | merundingkan |
Notify | memaklumkan |
Nurse | |
Nurture | membela |
Observe | memerhati |
Obtain | mendapatkan |
Officiate | merasmikan |
Offset | |
Operate | mengendali |
Orchestrate | |
Order | memesan |
Organize | |
Orientate | |
Originate | |
Outline | menggariskan |
Overhaul | |
Oversaw | |
Oversee | |
Package | |
Participate | |
Perceive | |
Perfect | |
Perform | |
Persuade | |
Photograph | |
Pilot | |
Pioneer | |
Plan | |
Practice | |
Predict | |
Prepare | |
Present | |
Preserve | |
Preside | |
Prevent | |
Prioritize | |
Probe | |
Process | |
Produce | |
Program | |
Project | |
Promote | |
Propose | |
Provide | |
Publicize | |
Publish | |
Purchase | |
Qualify | |
Quantify | |
Quote | |
Raise | |
Ran | |
Rank | |
Rate | |
Read | |
Reason | |
Recall | |
Recognize | |
Recommend | |
Reconcile | |
Record | |
Recreate | |
Recruit | |
Rectify | |
Reduce | |
Refer | |
Refine | |
Register | |
Regulate | |
Rehabilitate | |
Reinforce | |
Relate | |
Related | |
Release | |
Remodel | |
Render | |
Renew | |
Reorganize | |
Repair | |
Replace | |
Report | |
Represent | |
Research | |
Reserve | |
Resolve | |
Respond | |
Restore | |
Restrict | |
Retain | |
Retrieve | |
Revamp | |
Reveal | |
Review | |
Revise | |
Revitalize | |
Route | |
Sample | |
Save | |
Scan | |
Schedule | |
Screen | |
Script | |
Scrutinize | |
Search | |
Secure | |
Segment | |
Select | |
Serve | |
Service | |
Set goals | |
Set up | |
Settle | |
Shape | |
Share | |
Show | |
Simplify | |
Simulate | |
Sketch | |
Sold | |
Solicit | |
Solve | |
Sort | |
Speak | |
Strengthen | |
Structure | |
Study | |
Submit | |
Substantiate | |
Substitute | |
Spearhead | |
Specialize | |
Specify | |
Spoke | |
Stage | |
Standardize | |
Start | |
Stimulate | |
Straighten | |
Strategize | |
Streamline | |
Suggest | |
Summarize | |
Supervise | |
Supply | |
Support | |
Surpass | |
Survey | |
Sustain | |
Symbolize | |
Synthesize | |
Systematize | |
Tabulate | |
Tail | |
Target | |
Taught | |
Teach | |
Tend | |
Terminate | |
Test | |
Theorize | |
Time | |
Tour | |
Trace | |
Track | |
Trade | |
Train | |
Transcribe | |
Transfer | |
Transform | |
Translate | |
Transmit | |
Transport | |
Transpose | |
Travel | |
Treat | |
Triple | |
Troubleshot | |
Tutor | |
Uncover | mendedahkan |
Undertake | mengambil peranan |
Unify | menyatukan |
Unveil | mendedahkan |
Update | mengemaskini |
Upgrade | menaiktaraf |
Upheld | tetap |
Use | menggunakan |
Utilize | menggunakan |
Validate | mengesahkan |
Value | menilai |
Verify | mengesahkan |
View | memandang |
Visit | melawat |
Visualize | membayangkan |
Volunteer | menyukarela |
Weigh | ukur |
Widen | memperluaskan |
Win | memenangi |
Withdraw | mengeluarkan |
witness | menyaksikan |
Write | menulis |
Xerox | menyalin |
Yield | |
Zap | |
Zero in | |
Zip | |
Zoom in | |
Zoom out | |
Zone off | |
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