Monday, December 31, 2012

23. Mengenali 'Past Participle'

Mengenali 'past participle'

Dalam bahasa Inggeris terdapat istilah 'Past Participle'.

Dalam bahasa Melayu tidak terdapat istilah yang sepadan dengan istilah ini.

Tiada garis panduan bagaimana untuk mengubah ejaan dari 'infinitive' (kata dasar) kepada 'Past Participle'. Cuma, biasanya bagi 'Regular verb', kita menambah 'ed' atau 'd' kepada ejaan 'infinitive' (kata dasar), sementara bagi 'Irregular verb', selain dari penambahan 'ed' dan 'd'. Selain dari itu, ada juga 'verb' yang tidak berubah dari 'infinitive'. Tiada garis panduan khusus, oleh itu anda perlu membiasakan diri membaca bacaan-bacaan dalam bahasa Inggeris.

'Past Participle' ialah satu sistem ejaan (dan sebutan) dimana ejaan 'kata dasar' ('infinitive') diubahsuai sedikit apabila :

1. Perbuatan/kejadian itu berlaku/terjadi dalam semua bentuk 'Active' (aktif) dalam semua 'perfect tense' iaitu 'Present Perfect tense', 'Past Perfect tense', 'Future Perfect tense' jika dinyatakan dalam bentuk 'active' (aktif) dan 'questions' (soalan/pertanyaan).

2. Perbuatan/kejadian itu berlaku/terjadi dalam semua bentuk 'Passive' (pasif) dalam semua 'tense' samada 'Present tense', 'Present perfect tense', 'Present Continuous tense', 'Present Perfect Continuous tense', 'Past tense', 'Past Continuous tense', 'Past Perfect tense', 'Past Perfect Continuous tense', 'Future tense', 'Future Continuous tense', 'Future perfect tense', 'Future Perfect Continuous tense'.

'Past participle' TIDAK digunakan jika :

1. Perbuatan/kejadian itu berlaku/terjadi dalam semua bentuk 'Active' (aktif) dalam 'continuous tense' (iaitu 'Present continuous tense', 'Past continuous tense', 'Future continuous tense').

2. Perbuatan/kejadian itu berlaku/terjadi dalam semua bentuk 'Active' (aktif) dalam 'simple tense' (iaitu 'simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense').

3. Perbuatan/kejadian itu berlaku/terjadi dalam semua bentuk 'questions' (soalan/pertanyaan) dalam 'simple tense' (iaitu 'simple present tense', 'simple past tense', 'simple future tense').

Contoh 'past participle' :

(Kata Dasar)
(past participle)

Ejaan 'past tense' dan 'Past Participle'

Dalam kebanyakan perkataan, ada ejaan bagi 'past tense' yang serupa dengan ejaan 'past participle' hingga menimbulkan sedikit kekeliruan, tapi ada juga ejaan bagi 'past tense' yang tidak sama dengan ejaan 'past participle'. Oleh itu, rajin-rajinlah membaca makalah bahasa Inggeris untuk dapatkan perbezaan antara 'past tense' dengan 'past participle'.

Berikut ialah beberapa contoh persamaan dan perbezaan antara 'past tense' dengan 'past participle' :

(Kata Dasar)
(past participle)
(past tense)

Contoh-contoh berdasarkan perkataan dan 'tense':

Perkataan contoh : Eat (makan).

AktifPresent tenseI. You. Singular. PluralDo/does eat(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifPresent continuous tenseAm/Is/are eating(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPresent tenseDon't/doesn't eat(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
PasifPresent tenseDo/does be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPresent tenseDon't/doesn't be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have not been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have not been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
AktifPast tenseDid eat(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifPast continuous tenseWas/were eating(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifPast Perfect tenseHad eaten(Ada 'past participle')
AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPast tenseDidn't eat(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPast continuous tenseWas't/weren't eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not eaten(Ada 'past participle')
NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
PasifPast tenseDid be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPast continuous tenseWas/were being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPast Perfect tenseHad been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPast tenseDidn't be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPast continuous tenseWas/were not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
AktifFuture tenseWill eat(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifFuture continuous tenseWill be eating(Tiada 'past participle')
AktifFuture Perfect tenseWill has/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifFuture tenseWill not eat(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifFuture continuous tenseWill not be eating(Tiada 'past participle')
NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill not have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not had been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
PasifFuture tenseWill be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifFuture continuous tenseWill be being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill had been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifFuture tenseWill not be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifFuture continuous tenseWill not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill not have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Pasif NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not have been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPresent tenseDo/does eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPresent continuous tenseAm/Is/are eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPresent tenseDon't/doesn't eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPresent tenseDo/does be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPresent tenseDon't/doesn't be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPresent continuous tenseAm/is/are not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPresent Perfect tenseHas/have not been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPresent Perfect Continuous tenseHas/have not been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPast tenseDid eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPast continuous tenseWas/were eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPast Perfect tenseHad eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPast tenseDidn't eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPast continuous tenseWas't/weren't eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPast tenseDid be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPast continuous tenseWas/were being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPast Perfect tenseHad been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPast tenseDidn't be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPast continuous tenseWas/were not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPast Perfect tenseHad not been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifPast Perfect Continuous tenseHad not been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifFuture tenseWill eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifFuture continuous tenseWill be eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifFuture Perfect tenseWill has/have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : AktifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill have been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifFuture tenseWill not eat(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifFuture continuous tenseWill not be eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill not have eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not had been eating(Tiada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifFuture tenseWill be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifFuture continuous tenseWill be being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifFuture Perfect tenseWill have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : PasifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill had been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifFuture tenseWill not be eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifFuture continuous tenseWill not being eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifFuture Perfect tenseWill not have been eaten(Ada 'past participle')
Soalan : Pasif NegatifFuture Perfect Continuous tenseWill not have been being eaten(Ada 'past participle')


- Tidak pasti apakah fungsi/kebaikan menggunakan konsep 'past participle'. Nampaknya ia satu 'redundancy' (ada tapi tidak ada gunanya). Mungkin keujudannya disebabkan sejarah tapi nampaknya tidak relevan lagi.


TopiJerami90 said...

I read this blog
I was read this blog
Im reading this blog
I have read this blog
I have been reading this blog for an hour

Mael Hashim said...

TopiJerami90 :

I read this blog - (bermaksud 'saya kerap membaca blog ini').

I was read this blog - (salah nahu. Yang lebih betul : I was reading this blog).

I'm reading this blog - (bermaksud'saya sedang membaca blog ini').

I have read this blog - (bermaksud 'saya sudah membaca blog ini').

I have been reading this blog for an hour - (betul. bermaksud 'saya sudah membaca blog ini selama satu jam (dan sekarang pun saya sedang membacanya)).

Unknown said...

Ha..ha.. very good info.. I'm also was read this blog quite several of time.. but i was still un understand.. becouse my spm english was failed.. Nonetheless, 2 thumbs up to abg Mael Hashim...

seroja said...

Dlm reading muet paper apa perlu sya buat utk skor mrkh tnggi sbpnya sya tdk bgtu pandai dlm mnterjemah ke dlm bhsa Melayu dan msih ada words yg saya tdk thu dan prlu mrjuk kpd kamus.

seroja said...


seroja said...

Bagaimana mhu skor tinggi dan belajar reading muet paper sbp sya ni pndai baca nda tak pndai mnterjemah dlm bahasa mlyu dan msih ada lgi words bi nya sya tdk thu ketika bca krts reading dan sya prlukan kamus utk mncari mksudnya .

Unknown said...

I still not understand
I have read this blog
So manay times over and over but I cant understand
Can someone tell to me more concise
I am f3 and I'ii may have pt3 this year

Unknown said...

Pray for my best pt3 to my pt3 exam for this year

Unknown said...

doakan yang terbaik untuk peperiksaan pt3 saya untuk tahun ini

Anonymous said...

i just came across this blog.. and i am liking itπŸ‘πŸ½