Perkataan-perkataan dan, atau, antara dsb adalah penyambung antara perkataan, frasa atau ayat.
Dalam bahasa Inggeris ia dipanggil 'Conjunctions'.
Berikut ialah beberapa perkataan penyambung.
English | Melayu |
After | Selepas |
Although | Walaupun |
And | Dan |
As | Sebagai |
As far as | Sejauh. Setakat |
As if | Seolah-olah |
As long as | Sepanjang |
As long as | Selama mana |
As soon as | Sebaik saja |
As though | Macamlah |
As well as | Begitu juga |
Because | Kerana |
Before | Sebelum |
Both | Kedua-dua |
But | Tetapi |
Either | Samada |
Even if | Meskipun |
Even though | Walaupun |
For | Untuk |
How | Bagaimana |
However | Bagaimanapun |
If | Jika. Kalau |
If only | Hanya jika |
In case | Dalam hal |
In order that | Supaya |
Neither nor | Bukan |
Now | Sekarang |
Once | Sekali |
Only | Hanya |
Or | Atau |
Provided | Dengan syarat |
Rather than | Daripada |
Since | Semenjak |
So | Jadi |
So that | Supaya |
Than | Daripada |
That | Itu |
Then | Kemudian. Selepas itu |
Though | Walau |
Till | Sehingga |
Unless | Kecuali |
Until | Sehingga |
When | Apabila |
Whenever | Bila-bila |
Where | Dimana |
Whereas | Manakala |
Wherever | Dimana-mana |
Whether | Samada |
While | Sementara |
Yet | Lagi |
Anti | Bertentangan. Terbalik |
As | Sebagai |
Besides | Disamping itu |
But | Tapi. Tetapi |
By | Oleh |
Down | Bawah |
During | Semasa |
Except | Kecuali |
Excluding | Tidak termasuk |
Following | Berikutan |
For | Untuk |
From | Dari |
Into | Ke dalam |
Like | Seperti |
Minus | Tidak termasuk |
Of | Kepada |
Off | Padam. Matikan |
On | Atas. Di atas |
Onto | Ke atas |
Outside | Di luar |
Over | Di atas |
Past | Lepas |
Per | Setiap |
Plus | Campur |
Regarding | Mengenai |
Round | Keliling |
Save | Kecuali |
Since | Sejak. Semenjak |
Than | Daripada |
Through | Menerusi |
To | Ke |
Toward | Kearah |
Towards | Kearah |
Unlike | Tidak seperti |
Until | Jingga |
Up | Atas. Ke atas |
Upon | Berkenaan. Keatas |
Versus | Lawan |
Via | Melalui |
With | Dengan |
Without | Tanpa |
Contoh ayat :
English | Melayu |
Of | Kepada |
Son of John | Anak kepada John |
Out of order | Rosak |
Out of this world | Diluar dunia ini (luar biasa) |
. | . |
Off | Mati. |
Tear off | Koyakkan |
The engine is off | Injinnya mati |
. | . |
And | Dan |
You and I | Awak dan saya |
I and You | (Salah) |
. | . |
Or | Atau |
You or he | Awak atau dia |
This or that | Ini atau itu |
. | . |
Out | Luar |
Get out | Sila Keluar |
Out of order | Rosak |
. | . |
Without | Tanpa |
Without permission | Tanpa kebenaran |
. | . |
Either | Samada |
Either here or there | Samada sini atau sana |
. | . |
Neither | Semuanya tidak |
Neither here nor there | Tidak disini atau disana |
. | . |
But | Tapi. Tetapi |
I want to go but cannot | Saya mahu pergi tetapi tak boleh |
. | . |
However | Bagaimana. Bagaimanapun |
She can speak English, however she can't write it | Dia boleh bercakap Inggeris, bagaimanapun dia tak boleh menulis dalam bahasa itu |
However difficult, you must do it | Bagaimana susah pun, awak mesti lakukannya |
. | . |
Somehow | Entah macamana |
The security is tight, somehow he manage to escape | Langkah keselamatan adalah ketat, entah macamana dia berjaya meloloskan diri |
. | . |
So | Jadi. Seterusnya |
So that | Supaya |
I won, so I will get the prize | Saya telah menang, jadi saya akan dapat hadiah |
. | . |
Because | Kerana. Sebab |
He broke his arm because of the fall | Dia patah lengan sebab terjatuh |
. | . |
Although | Walaupun |
Although he was busy, he finished the task | Walaupun dia sebok, dia telah menghabiskan tugasnya |
. | . |
Whatever | Walau apa pun. Apa-apalah |
Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody | Walau apa pun berlaku, saya tidak akan beritahu sesiapa |
. | . |
Ever | Pernah |
Have you ever eaten a banana pie ? | Sudahkah awak pernah makan lempeng pisang ? |
. | . |
Nevertheless | Walau bagaimana pun |
I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep | Saya sangat penat, tetapi walau bagaimana pun saya tidak dapat tidur |
. | . |
Moreover | Lebih lagi. Dan lagi. Lagi pun |
The bag was big, and moreover, it was heavy | Beg itu besar, dan lagi ia berat |
. | . |
Furthermore | Lebih lanjut lagi |
They rob, and furthermore cheat each other | Mereka merompak dan lebih lanjut lagi menipu sesama sendiri |
. | . |
In addition | Tambahan lagi. Selain dari |
The company pays me allowances in addition to the regular salary | Syarikat membayar elaun selain dari gaji tetap |
. | . |
Despite | Meskipun |
He remained poor despite being a hard worker | Dia tetap miskin meskipun dia seorang pekerja yang rajin |
. | . |
For | (perbagai makna) |
For example | Contohnya |
For this reason | Sebab inilah. Oleh kerana ini |
For that reason | Sebab itulah. Oleh kerana itu |
Leave for Australia | Pergi ke Australia |
Wait for them | Menunggu mereka |
This is for you | Ini untuk awak |
Pay for the book | Buat bayaran untuk buku itu |
For this reason he is prosecuted | Kerana sebab inilah dia dihukum |
For that reason he was suspended | Kerana sebab itulah dia di gantung |
They have been working for 2 hours | Mereka telah bekerja selama 2 jam |
. | . |
Accordingly | Seperti sepatutnya. Mengikut sepatutnya |
I treat her accordingly | Saya layan dia mengikut sepatutnya |
. | . |
Consequently | Akibatnya. Kesannya |
I lost the key, consequently I can't get out | Saya hilang kunci, akibatnya saya tak dapat keluar |
. | . |
Hence | Sebab itu |
He studies hard, hence his good result | Dia kuat belajar, sebab itu dia dapat keputusan baik |
. | . |
Then | Kemudiannya |
He walked, then he stopped | Dia berjalan, kemudian dia berhenti |
. | . |
Therefore | Dari itu |
The company laid off twenty percent of its work force, therefore, expenses decreased | Syarikat telah memberhentikan dua puluh peratus dari pekerjanya, dari itu perbelanjaan menurun |
. | . |
Thus | Jadi. Dengan itu |
Thus they decided that I was innocent | Jadi, mereka memutuskan bahawa saya tidak bersalah |
. | . |
It follows | Berikutan itu. Maka |
If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong | Jika jawapan awak betul, maka jawapan saya salah |
. | . |
With | Dengan |
I am with you | Saya berserta awak |
ix with sugar so that it will get sweet | Campurkan gula supaya ia jadi manis |
. | . |
Without | Tanpa |
I went without him | Saya telah pergi tanpa dia |
. | . |
Too | Juga |
I went to Japan too | Saya telah pergi ke Jepun juga |
. | . |
Up | Naik |
He is climbing up the mountain | Dia sedang memanjat naik gunung |
Go up the hill | Naik bukit |
Climb up the tree | Memanjat naik pokok |
. | . |
As a result | Hasilnya. Akibatnya |
I didn't study, as a result I failed in exam | Saya tidak belajar, hasilnya saya gagal dalam peperiksaan |
. | . |
From | Dari |
Different from mine | Berbeza dari saya punya |
Borrow from him | Pinjam dari dia |
. | . |
Around | Mengelilingi |
The earth moves around the sun | Bumi bergerak mengelilingi matahari |
Travel around the world | Berjalan mengelilingi dunia |
. | . |
Round | Bulat |
The ball is round | Bola itu bulat |
. | . |
Down | Jatuh |
Fall down the stairs | Jatuh dari tangga |
. | . |
Into | Ke dalam |
He went into the house | Dia masuk ke dalam rumah itu |
The plane flew into the sea | Kapalterbang itu jatuh ke dalam laut |
. | . |
Through | Melalui |
He went in through the window | Dia masuk melalui pintu |
The bullet went through the body | Peluru tersebut menembusi badan |
. | . |
Concerning | Berkenaan |
Considering | Memandangkan |
Despite | Walaupun. Meskipun |
Terima kasih byk² ^__^*
ape bende ni
Nenek tua ni dah masuk kubur agaknya hahaha
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