Monday, December 31, 2012

29. Mengenali 'Gerund' (Nama Perbuatan)

Mengenali 'gerund' (nama perbuatan)

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, 'nama perbuatan' dipanggil 'Gerund'. Biasanya, ejaannya berakhir dengan 'ing'.

Contoh 'gerund' (Nama Perbuatan) :


Contoh ayat menggunakan 'gerund' (Nama Perbuatan) :

Swimming is my favourite activityBerenang adalah aktibiti kegemaran sayaBetul
Swim is my favourite activity - (Salah) - sebab 'swim' bukan 'gerund'
Teaching is his professionMengajar adalah kerjayanyaBetul
Teach is his profession - (Salah) - sebab 'teach' bukan 'gerund'
Blogging is her part-time jobBerblog adalah kerja sampingannyaBetul
Blog is her part-time job - (Salah) - sebab 'blog' adalah nama objek
Sleeping is importantTidur adalah mustahakBetul
Sleep is important - (Salah) - sebab 'sleep' bukan 'gerund'
Eating must be done slowlyMakan mesti dibuat perlahan-lahanBetul
Eat must be done slowly - (Salah) - sebab 'eat' bukan 'gerund'
Drinking water is goodMinum air adalah bagusBetul
Drink water is good - (Salah)
Walking is a good exerciseBerjalan adalah latihan yang bagusBetul
Walk is a good exercise - (Salah)
Arranging tables in classroom is not difficultMenyusun meja dalam kelas tidaklah susahBetul
Arrange tables in classroom is not difficult - (Salah)
Throwing objects into the road is wrongMembaling objek ke jalanraya adalah salahBetul
Throw objects into the road is wrong - (Salah)
Standing for 10 minutes can make him faintBerdiri selama 10 minit boleh membuat dia pengsanBetul
Stand for 10 minutes can make him faint - (Salah)

Nama perbuatan ('gerund') dibina dari 'infinitive' (perkataan dasar sesuatu perbuatan).

Berikut adalah beberapa perkataan dasar sesuatu perbuatan dan nama perbuatannya.


'Gerund' juga diguna selepas 'preposition'.

Contohnya :

Selepas perkataan 'for' : - For satisfying his wants. (Betul).
- For satisfy his wants. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'for' : - Excuse me for bothering you. (Betul).
- Excuse me for bother you. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'for' : - These are used for cracking walnuts. (Betul).
- These are used for crack walnuts. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'to' : - I look forward to hearing from you soon. (Betul).
- I look forward to hear from you soon. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'to' : - I am used to waiting for buses. (Betul).
- I am used to wait for buses. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'to' : - I don't object to working this Sunday. (Betul).
- I don't object to work this Sunday. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'about' : - I'm worried about not passing the test. (Betul).
- I'm worried about not pass the test. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'about' : - I'm angry about his missing the meeting. (Betul).
- I'm angry about his miss the meeting. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'about' : - We are thinking about walking in the woods. (Betul).
- We are thinking about walk in the woods. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'of' : - I'm afraid of flying. (Betul).
- I'm afraid of fly. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'of' : - I'm tired of arguing. (Betul).
- I'm tired of argue. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'before' : - Before going out he turned off the heating. (Betul).
- Before go out he turned off the heating. (Salah).
Selepas perkataan 'by' : - I passed the exam by remembering the equations. (Betul).
- I passed the exam by remember the equations. (Salah).

Perbezaan yang agak mengelirukan antara 'Gerund' dengan 'Present Participle':

Ejaan 'Gerund' sama dengan 'Present Participle'. Iaitu kedua-duanya berakhir dengan 'ing'. Tetapi 'Gerund' digunakan bersendirian, contohnya 'reading', manakala 'Present Participle' digunakan bersama dengan 'helping/auxiliary verb' seperti 'am, is, are, was, were, has, have, had' dsb untuk menunjukkan 'continuous tense'. 'Helping/auxiliary verb' itu berada sebelum 'Present Participle'.

Contohnya :

'Present Continuous tense' - : "I am reading", "He is reading", "We are reading".
'Present Perfect continuous tense' - : "I have been reading", "He has been reading".
'Past Continuous tense' - : "I was reading", "We were reading".
'Past Perfect Continuous tense' - : "I had been reading".
'Future Continuous tense' - : "I will be reading", "I would be reading".
'Future Perfect Continuous tense' - : "I will have been reading", "I would have been reading".

Perbezaan antara 'bahasa Inggeris' dan 'bahasa Melayu' mengenai 'gerund' :

Dalam bahasa Melayu, tiada penambahan khusus seperti dalam bahasa Inggeris dimana dibezakan 'gerund' dengan 'infinitive'. Contohnya, dalam bahasa Melayu, perkataan 'tidur' adalah digunakan bagi kedua-dua 'infinitive' (kata dasar) dan 'gerund' (nama perbuatan) tetapi dalam bahasa Inggeris 'sleep' dan 'sleeping' digunakan masing-masingnya bagi 'infinitive' dan 'gerund'.

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